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Grace Montare
11 Nov 2009
Hillingdon, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
27,5 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description

Standing at just 4'2", Grace has always been a little short for her age. Never quite the shortest, but always in the front line for group pictures. Her bright amber-colored eyes complement her sweet smile, and she has light freckles dusted across the bridge of her nose from her summer days spent in the sun. Grace's warm brown hair is almost always up in a ponytail with a few straggler baby hairs framing her round face. Her nails are always short and jagged; she's a chronic nail-biter and doesn't like the way nail files feel.
Mental Description

Grace has always been a happy little girl, her first smile having been right in the delivery room. She tries her hardest to always look on the bright side of things, even when that's nearly impossible, like when her pet hamster Fuzzball died. She remarked, "We gave him a good life, it was just time for him to go." Grace makes easy friends, too. Her favorite ice breaker questions are: "What's your favorite smell?" and "If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?" Her answers are the way it smells before a big snow and baked ham, respectively.

In regards to intelligence, she rolled a bit higher than average, so to speak. Grace was reading early, talking early, and comprehending early, but there are some things she doesn't quite get. She leans more to the factual, objective side of things, preferring mathematics to art or reading.
Pre-Hogwarts Biography

Grace was the firstborn to two magical parents, one Halfblood, her mother Donna, and one Muggle-born, her father Thomas. They lived in a cozy walk-up full of love and magic. Four years later, her brother Garrett came along. Garrett has not yet shown signs of magic, and their parents are getting a little anxious.

Grace's first best friend was a young blonde girl from down the street named Beth. They met when they were around 4 years old, and Beth's family was also magical. Unfortunately, they moved far away when the girls were 9 and Grace hasn't talked to her since. While she's good at making friends, no one else around her has really stuck the way Beth did, so her best friend now is Garrett.

Grace sees her grandparents regularly, both sides very proud of her and Garrett.
First Instance of Magic

Like everything else, Grace's first instance of magic happened quite early in her life. Donna and Thomas had sent her to Muggle preschool so she could get a little bit of an education before Hogwarts. One day at school, she was 3, during playtime, a toy another child was playing with disappeared out of the kid's hands and appeared in Grace's. Turns out it was one of her favorites, and she really wanted to play with it. This disturbed the other kid and the teacher and Grace was sent home permanently. From then on, Donna and Thomas homeschooled her until she was of age.