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Ronnie O'reacher
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
34,4 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Shortish shy looking boy with red hair and light brown eyes than almost look orange in the light. His skin is pale and filled with freckles on his face and shoulders.

Mental Description: Extrimely curious, likes to draw and daydream about spells and potions and how they might be twiked to offer different results. Has a hard time meeting new people.

Biography: Both of Ronnie's parents are magical archaeologists that travel the world investigating ancient ruins of Magical interest, they are particularly obcessed with Merlin time ruins. This kind of work resulted in Ronnie having a lonely childwood spent mostly with his stern witch grandmother Iris. His only respite was when he managed to sneak off into the local wizard library and play pretend wizards with the other children that where waiting for their parents.

First Instance of Magic: Ronnie was humming while washing the dishes a shore that he hated but his grandmother made him do. When the plates and tea cups started moving on their own dancing with the hum. When he realised what he as doing he tried to instruct them to wash themselves it was at this moment they all fell shattering all over the kitchen floor. He had to spend the whole night cleaning the mess, and was grounded for two whole months.