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Camila Martzen
10 Mar 2010
Chester, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,3 cm english oak wood and phoenix feather
I'm Camila, Camila Bella Martzen

Physical Description: Camila Martzen is an 11-year old witch. She is 4'2 weighing about 82 pounds, and she is a mesomorph, with a fine build. Her hair is dirty blonde, which is short, curly, and soft. She always wears a beret in her hair. She has light blue eyes, that are round with thin and long eyelashes. Her nose is small, and her lips are thin and long. She dresses very casually, but sometimes girly. She wears round, big glasses to help her see. Her skin is pale ivory, which is smooth, and warm. She has a birthmark on her ankle shaped like a heart.

Mental Description: Camila is a very fun, loving girl. She likes to try new things, and just have fun. She is very outgoing, but sometimes she can get herself into trouble. She is very dedicated to anything she starts. She pays attention to detail so that everything is perfect. She likes to have things as perfect as they can be. She is a perfectionist at everything! But, she still likes to go crazy and have fun. She can be a bit of a hothead sometimes when it comes to her friends and family. Camila is smart but sometimes she acts like she isn't. Either way, she is a smart, beautiful, fun, loving, and outgoing girl.

Biography: Camila was born in a pureblooded family. Her dad, Alexander Martzen was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts and a pureblood. He now works in the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Creatures, while making time for his family. Camila's mom, Rosie Martzen was a Gryffindor at Hogwarts and a pureblood. She now is working as a healer. Her dad is a dirty blonde like her, with light blue eyes, and Ivory skin. And her mom is Light warm brown hair with brown eyes, and warm ivory skin. Camila was born the middle child of Alexander and Rosie. Her older sister, Hannah is three years older than her and has golden copper blonde, brown eyes, and ivory skin. Camila has a younger brother named, Ryan Martzen who looks a lot like her mom, with light warm brown hair, and brown eyes, with warm ivory skin. She grew up in a happy household and a happy family. Her family didn't always agree, but her home life was still very good. She grew up reading all about Hogwarts, from Hogwarts: A History to Old articles her parents had. When she wasn't reading she was playing with her next-door neighbors, Penelope Rogers, and Ava Rogers. They were her friends since she was three. Penelope was the youngest with blonde hair and olive green eyes. Ava was the oldest with Platinum blonde hair and olive green eyes. But, they weren't her best friend! Her BFF was Charolette Garcia, who lived in the same area, but not next door. They did practically everything together when they could. She is a half-blood witch, but that didn't bother Camila.

First Instance of Magic: It was two days after Camila had turned six when it happened. Her sister, Hannah had been teasing her about being friends with a muggle named Ben Clark. She kept saying 'Cami likes Ben!!' And Camila was so mad at Hannah, that she didn't realize she had made the window in the kitchen shader into like a million pieces! After, Hannah saw that she stopped teasing Camila.