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Ziro Ironclaw
Wizard born
08 Mar 2010
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
22,5 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Ziro has ice blue eyes and long black hair. His skin is paler than usual since he is scared to go outside alone. He spends most of his time in his room reading instead of going outside and socializing. Ziro is shorter than most his age by a couple of inches.

Mental Description: Ziro is a very nervous and anxiety-ridden child. He was diagnosed with Autism at a young age. He always seems to be panicking or worrying about something at all times. He has some triggers that can calm him down such as twirling his hair or tapping against his books.

Because of being diagnosed with Autism, he perceives the world differently. Sounds can sound louder and smells smell stronger. Even his skin is more sensitive making him twitch every so often.

Despite this, he tries his best to be kind and thoughtful to those around him. He has self-esteem problems and has a lot of baggage but given the opportunity, he will be a friend that will always have your back.

Biography: Ziro had a childhood of tragedy. Ziros's father was a madman obsessed with having the perfect heir to their family. Ziros's mother was a loving and kind woman. He was less than pleased when his son was diagnosed with Autism and was so easily frightened by everything. In a mad fit of rage, his father kicked Ziro out of the house. His mother refused to leave her son and left as well. She worked hard but was able to secure a new home for the two of them. Ever since that day, ziro has been more nervous and anxious than ever.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Ziro used magic was during a panic attack. It was when he was four years old. He was scared because he could not find his mother anywhere. He thought that she had vanished and would never be seen again. At that moment a burst of magic left his body, destroying random things around him until he was stopped by his father.

Ziro was born with Autism and was diagnosed at a young age. It is hard for him to speak with those he does not know very well and is constantly anxious and nervous. He always assumes the worst is about to happen and this can interfere with his social life. Autism has also affected his sensory. Smells are stronger and noises can sound louder to him and in turn hurt his ears. Because of this he does not like loud noises and tries to separate himself from them as much as he possibly can. To calm himself he does involuntary actions such as twirling his hair and tapping his finger or foot very fast. He has an INCREDIBLY bad reaction to being restrained ( handcuffs, chains, jailcell, collars or anything in that manner but mostly the ones I listed ) and will have a panic attack if it does occur to him.