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Kai Ganders
31 Oct 2009
Cambridge, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,9 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Dark brown curly, wavy hair. His hair always seems to look good in a messy sort of way. 5"2, brown eyes. Straight white teeth. Even though he is the second youngest sibling, he had always been a little taller than his two older brothers and was always mistaken by the eldest.

Mental Description: Kind, gentle and caring. Funny and silly sense of humor but is always there when someone needs help. Always willing to put himself forward to help someone or fill in

Biography: Being born to Chadwick Ganders (English muggle) and Rosana Collingwood (English witch) Kai's childhood and early life was always up and down. While his parents tried to keep the magical side of the family away from the muggle side, Kai had always disliked moving around the country, visiting relatives and moving houses. By the time Kai was 4 he had lived in 17 houses, two of which were underground. He has two older brothers and one little sister and was always helping around the house, tending the family garden and doing whatever manual labor his father would throw at the three brothers just to get their noses out of their books.

First Instance of Magic: While watering his garden, one of the tomatoes grew to a great size causing his family to have a 'tomato based-diet' for 2 weeks.