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Paul White
15 Mar 2010
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,5 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:

Paul has light brown hair and brown eyes. He wears glasses. He is tall for his age. He is fit as he loves to run.

Mental Description:
Paul is a bit shy at first, but will be the most devoted and loyal friend once you get to know him. He will put the needs of his friends before his own. When he is around people he is comfortable with, he forgets his shyness and appears to others as very confident. however it doesn't take much to shatter that confidence, as Paul is sensible and will become extremely angry then go back to his shell when he thinks he is being made fun of.
He is naturally curious about everything, but that comes at the cost of tending to focus on too many things at the same time.

Paul is an only child that was born in London, but his mother being a french muggle the family decided to move to Paris when he was 3 years old, his father wanting to keep his wife away from his wizard life.
He had a peaceful but lonely life, having very few relatives in France, and not knowing anything about his English family or magical heritage as his father purposefully kept him away from this part of the family.
His life changed drastically when both his parents died in a car accident at the age of 10. He was then sent to London, where he now lives with his aunt. He had one very close friend in Muggle school that he lost contact with when moving to London.

He is well treated at home but doesn't know much about his english family or the wizarding world, as his parents never spoke about magic during his childhood, wanting to lead a muggle life, a decision that his aunt never understood.
Being in a wizard family was something new for Paul, during the first few months he kept to himself. But after some time, he warmed up to his new family, becoming friends with his cousins, accomplished wizards who told him about their time at Hogwarts. His uncle became a sort of father figure for him, as he would take Paul out on trips to the countryside trips to look for fantastic beasts. His aunt though still has trouble connecting with Paul.
After a year of trying to get over his loss, and learning about his family history and the magical world, Paul was then thrilled to receive his letter of admission to Hogwarts. Despite being apprehensive about his ability to make new friends, he looks forward to learning more about magic and his abilities.

First Instance of Magic:
After learning about his parents accident, Paul clenched his fists and caused the windows of the room to shatter.