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Camilla Torres
09 Jun 2010
Nottingham, England
First year, Hufflepuff
33,0 cm ebony wood and phoenix feather
Camilia Torres comes from Spain and like most people has a Spanish accent. she has brown curly hair (which is long mostly worn in a braid) and green eyes which was rare but she inherited through her fathers side of the family. She is tan with a petite body, which fits her short height.

She is known throughout her family as the carefree, annoying, and emotional younger sister. She has a quick tongue and snappy retorts which often get her in trouble. She lost many friends when she moved to England but she was known as the most loyal friend and a pushover.
She is fairly outgoing if a person is deemed worthy of kindness, so it depends on who fits her image of a decent human being. Most of the time she blurts out nonsense without thinking carefully about her word choice. However, she often feels under pressure by her parents to do well in life. This tends to make her feel dissociated with the idea of trying. She is so scared she will let her family down if she tries so she never does. This is a flaw that she has kept personally to herself.

Like most of her extended family her family is quite large. Her family moved from Spain to England after both her parents got good job offers. She is the second youngest of 7 children. She has 2 brothers and 4 sisters, so the order starts with the oldest brother.

Her older brother, Antonio, has already graduated from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, now he has a family of his own and is a resident in the city of Alicante with his wife and 2 kids.

The second oldest has also graduated from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic she is currently working abroad in Europe. Isabelle sends letters and funds to help keep the family afloat by helping to pay the loan the family took out to move.

The middle child is still in the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic since she didn't want to transfer to Hogwarts. Alberta sends letters to her family members and comes over to see her family ever holiday breaks.

The fourth sibling got transferred to Hogwarts after the family moved to England for her mothers promotion to work for the Ministry of Magic. Lucía finished her studies a year or two before Camila turned eleven. She got a decent position in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts though she plans to move further up in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

The fourth sibling is still in the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic since she didn't want to transfer to Hogwarts. She sends letters to her family members and comes over to see her family ever holiday breaks.
Then there is Camilia and at the end of all the siblings is Mateo. Mateo is the youngest, he is a cute little 6 year old. He is funny and kind like the other members of his family.
The family is very close, however there are a few tough spots they go through every now and then. Both parents are busy working, the father is a muggle who works as a lawyer daily and isn't home very often. Camilia's mother works in the Department of Magical Law Enforcements and is also busy with work quite a lot.

When Camilia was 6 years old and still living in Spain. She did something rather unusual because she overheard her parents talking about moving. Around the time a harsh drought caused her families farm and her favorite garden on the families grounds died. She swung on a swing attached onto the barren tree as the winds swept up the dead leaves around her legs. Tears flowed softly off her face and landed onto the infertile ground. Though she hadn't known that what she was doing was magic after a few days the garden had come back to life. Camilia called it her little miracle though she didn't know it was actually her. Once she neared the age of 11 her mother took her aside and gave her the " British magic talk" about this new country rules, and how underage wizards aren't allowed to use magic until 17 which was quite different from the rules she had known previously from the Spanish Ministry of Magic. So there was much for her mother to talk about, since it would be different then the rules her siblings followed. Because she was still young when her older sibling went to Hogwarts, so they never really hung out and talked about it. Even though she had some knowledge of the magical world it was still a big shock when she received a letter from Hogwarts, and was sent off to go.