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Marrione Albertine
12 Jun 2010
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
24,3 cm yew wood and unicorn hair
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 11

Physical Description: Marrione has tan skin, hair cut short but visibly curly. They're 4'9, a little give or take– and they have medium brown eyes.

Mental Description: Marrione's prone to brief anger outbreaks, but usually won't burst into such an event unless in situations of high pressure. Otherwise, they keep quiet, their head up and all toes in line. By default, they're a rule follower. Something stirs inside them still, ready to pounce: a thirst to prove themself, an urge to show that they might even follow the path of their rogue older brother. Most of all, they're confused– stuck in conflict, hopeful to start their new life at Hogwarts, and well aware of the pressure. It's on.

Biography: They grew up in a wealthy, yet tense family. Pressure lingers above his neck at every moment, with their family under stress to maintain their rich and envious reputation under threat of Marrione's brother, who strayed from the pack and aims to take down their family. Marrione is rather in the middle of all this mess, against their choice, yet not necessarily a peacemaker at heart. Somehow waiting for the right opportunity to wedge themself into their true place...

First Instance of Magic: Everyone saw it coming, of course, with their family's reputation of brilliant magic. There had been a fight between their brother and their mother, screaming and yelling until Marrione had caused all the lights in the house to go out with the force of their frustration alone. With no one else to blame, all heads turned to Marrione.