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Caethe Santhemum
20 Mar 2010
Cambridge, England
First year, Slytherin
21,2 cm maple wood and dragon heartstring
I'm pretty sure that my constantly regrettable life choices are a running joke for fate, at this rate !
Physical Description

Caethe has a rather thin form, though never frail - not that it's obvious in the first place, anyway, with her preference to wearing layers of clothing - especially her favorite cloak. Her skin is light and unblemished, making her dark brown irises stand out at her face. There is also her light brown hair - though it is sometimes mistaken for dark blonde. Her height is medium - nothing out of the ordinary for someone her age.

Mental Description

Caethe is a rather. . .peculiar girl, to put it simply. Which, to be fair, fits her equally strange name nonetheless. She appears to have some sort of childlike wonder wherever she goes - as if everything is a new experience. While approachable as well as sociable, she has a tendency to be a bit. . .overbearing in her excitement for traveling and chatting about, even if it's an aspect of herself that Caethe doesn't seem to realize doing. Because of such, people usually write her off as naive - or perhaps even gullible. . .which is exactly what she's aiming for. Caethe has stuck to the mindset of feigning innocence, wanting to be underestimated - she wants to be out of others' radars, never to be seen as a threat. She finds that there is always beauty when it comes to subtle intentions. She merely wishes to observe this world in silence, after all - would it really cause so much harm to yearn for that ? Yeah, she didn't think so, too.


The Santhemum family were always quite shrouded in mystery - though the Caethe personally thought the reason behind this fact is rather anticlimactic. Known to be purebloods, rich but not influential due to their lack of social connections, and prefers to live in solitary - though nothing much further than that. Caethe lived as an only child - and therefore heiress of the family by default. She resided in a cottage hidden within the woods alongside her parents - however, the interior was evidently more luxurious in comparison to the plain-looking exterior. Even as a child, she never had many encounters with the outside world - since she was homeschooled by tutors that visit her home - thus she always wondered why this was her parents' lifestyle. Both of them refused to tell perhaps the reason wasn't so anticlimactic after all, but her mother comforted Caethe by telling her tales before she fell asleep - some pictures were involved too, in occasion she could see her mother's longing look when she told her stories of her Hogwarts days in Ravenclaw. Nevertheless, this only increased her wish for her life to become even more than this isolated cottage - to be better than this lonely way of living with no one else but her parents for company. Her dreams revolved around finally receiving that letter - the one her father told her she'll be getting when she got old enough for real magic school - and don't get her wrong, she loved both her parents so much for taking care of her. But. . .she couldn't bring herself to be satisfied only by that. When there's so much more out there, so many things to do, and bountiful goals for her to fulfill. She wanted to be different, surely that isn't too much to ask, no ?

First Instance of Magic

Caethe's life was mostly uneventful - despite all the magic, but it only took so long before she saw it as a regular routine - and that's why a particular day when she was the age of 8 was something to remember, for sure. Her mother had brought along pictures of her days in Hogwarts for Caethe to see - which she was always excited for. Her mother left her be for a few minutes - proceeding to check on lunch or something along those lines - which left the brunette with all her childish enthusiasm, never a good combination. One thing led to another, and an accident occurred - causing the pictures to be damaged with rips. Of course, Caethe was greatly upset about this - crying in despair at damaging the physical memory of the outside world. Her vision was a bit blurry with all the tears - but she was certain that she saw the pictures mend themselves - quickly snapping her out of her panic. Her father wasn't at home during that time, and it was definitely not her mother's doing. Caethe put two and two together, thus what was formerly sadness turned into joy at the realization.