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John Mickens
07 May 2010
Perth, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
27,8 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: John Mickens is a young boy with short dirty blond hair. he is approximately 130 cm, and weighs 47.3 kgs. he is of Caucasian descent, and has calm, hazel eyes. He prefers to wear Muggle clothes, and especially prefers a jacket made of jean fabric. He prefers not to wear the school uniform, as he thinks it is too 'Old fashioned', but wears it nonetheless.
Mental Description: John Mickens is a very patriotic child, thinking that Scotland is one of the best countries in the world for magic and Muggles. He is brash, and does incredibly foolish things that could easily get him killed, although somehow manages to survive, despite it seeming impossible. he usually comes out of those experiences injured though, enough so that the staff at St. Mungo's left an area waiting for him just in case.

Biography: John Mickens was born in the small town of Perth, and almost immediately got into trouble. He constantly seemed to be getting into trouble, even when walking to school in the mornings. His father was a Muggle, and his mother was a witch. The two parents divorced shortly after that, and John would switch between custody of the two parents every six months. His mother and father still loved their child very much, and both came to an agreement where they would be acquaintances to raise him. for the first six months of the year, his mother would care for him. for the last six months, his father. during his time with his mother, he would stay in the country side, where he had his first instance of magic. With his father, he would get to learn how to be a muggle undercover. His father tried learning how a car worked with his son, but they only caused the thing to explode, giving both of them nasty cuts across their bodies.

First Instance of Magic: John's first instance of magic came when he was exploring the land his mother owned out in the countryside at the age of seven. he decided to go into a woods outside of the boundaries of the house. shortly afterwards, he encountered a wild wolf, which attacked him. he waved his hands in fright, sending himself flying into the border of his mother's house and breaking his arm in the process. he went running to the house, where his mother fixed his arm and began shouting at him for crossing the property line.