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Garreus Steele
03 Sep 2009
Worcester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
20,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Garreus has black hair, and maintains a slightly messy parted hairstyle. His eyes are black and wears a pair of black thick framed glasses and is usually seen wearing formal attire even when hanging out with friends. Due to having an asian mother, his eyes are slightly slanted and his skin tone is a pale yellow.

Mental Description: Due to living with strict parents, Garreus maintains a high form of discipline, patience, and focus. Highly objective-oriented, he's tough to crack and doesn't break easily.

Biography: Garreus lived under a strict household as his folks were ex-military. He was taught everything they knew, and when to apply such knowledge. Despite having exposed to the world of magic, he believes that he shouldn't rely on it too much and must have balance, resulting in him asking his parents to train him in both physical and magical properties.

First Instance of Magic: While taking his dog out for a walk, it breaks free of its leash and runs off to chase a wild cat, crossing a road in the process. Valuing the life of his dog, he hastily dashes towards the road to rescue his dog and was almost hit by a car. By extending his hand before impact, the car was forcefully pushed aside, leaving a dent.