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Andrew Jones
20 Dec 2009
Sheffield, England
First year, Slytherin
21,6 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:

Weight: 51kg (112lbs )
Height: 153cm (5'0")

Andrew Jones can be recognized with his dark brown, thick, unkempt hair and eyes of azure along with his rounded modestly small ears, and a downward inclining nose with a minute nose bridge. He also has a strand of hair that stands like an antenna.

Mental Description: Andrew is what you would describe as an observer; Introverted, analytical, cunning, and practical. During elementary he'd rather spend more time in his lonesome rather than surrounded in groups of people, not that he dislikes people if anything he's always neutral towards social interactions and activities. Don't let his introverted nature fool you into a false sense of security though, under the quiet distant surface, he can be quite crafty.

Biography: Andrew Jones is a Pureblooded child who lives in a foster home of muggles, the Harrington family, with no news of who his parents were. The family he grew up with are a family of muggles who are considered very close friends of Andrew's Blood-Related family.

While it's true usually you would have sent your child into a foster magical family, Andrew's case is a bit different. His Father was very cautious about who he trusts due to his line of work, while Mr. Harrington is a squib whom Andrew's father knows and trusts closely. Mr. Jones didn't want just any Family to look after his son but one he knows has no direct connection to his life or work in the hope that Andrew can be raised normally with a loving family; to make sure Andrew would stay out of his blood-related family's business. Ever since he was left in the care of The Harringtons, the parents have been reported missing on official ministry business and presumed dead.

First Instance of Magic: At the young age of eight Andrew discovers that he wasn't normal when during his friend's birthday party, an accident occurred where the Harrington's blood-related son crashed onto a cup board of his father's collection of empty bottle of whiskey causing the furniture to almost topple over and fall on top of him. This was luckily stopped by Andrew who unknowingly somehow levitated the whole furniture and bottles before it came crashing down. He just stood there and was shocked at what to do since his friend is directly under the chaos of furniture and bottles, luckily Mr. Harrington came down in time to assist with the situation.