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Roseann Parker
10 Jan 2010
Birkenhead, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,8 cm aspen wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Roseann has long red hair, freckles, and somewhat pale skin. She looks older than she is, which leads to many asking if she is an adult.. She is of average build, standing at roughly 4' 11" tall, 97 lbs.

Mental Description: Roseann is a quiet girl, but will help people with things and is somewhat outgoing. She loves to perform for people, and wants to act so she can snap out of her shyness. However, with recently becoming a wizard, she has less time to practice her hobby. She is a lesbian and is out of the closet.

Biography: She lived a normal life in her hometown, going to school, making some friends, things like that. She always found herself bored, and wanted to escape her boring life to become an actor. She practiced her acting and landed many roles in her school plays. She felt as though things were coming up good for her, until she received the letter.
First Instance of Magic: When she was 9, she was playing with the family dog, Louie, outside. When she threw the dog toy, it floated away. She was extremely surprised, and had no idea what had just happened. She went inside and told her mom, who didn't believe her. However, her father overheard and pulled her aside. He told her that she had just had her first instance of magic.