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Nyla Leon
Wizard born
09 Aug 2010
Stratford, England
First year, Ravenclaw
23,1 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Weight: 80.2 lb
Height: 56.6 inches
I have orange hair that's almost always down, and usually untamed. I have bangs that almost reach my eyes. I have brown eyes that spark when I'm mad, and sparkle when I'm laughing, I usually wear jeans and hoodies, unless Mother makes me wear a skirt for a special occasion or a picture.

I'm antisocial. I like to read, and hang out with my brothers. I get stressed easily, and have a really bad temper that's usually unleashed when Jake's around. My favorite thing to do is read. I've almost read every book in my house. I can spend hours reading at a book, that I've read a million times before.

My mother is in St Mungo's Hospital because of her fascination with a venomous tentacula she'd been studying. She's a herbologist, and she loves plants. We have at least twenty different types of plants in our house! My father works a lot in the ministry, in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. I have 2 brothers, Jake and James (Twins), both in 3rd year. James is smarter, has glasses and blond hair, looks like his father, Jake has blond hair, and is cold but soft on the inside. My mother is in Ravenclaw, but my brother's and father are in Gryffindor. I want to follow in my mother's footsteps.

When I was eight, I made Jake grow a pigs snout when he teased Me. He had kept pulling my hair when I was talking to mother, so I turned around, and yelled at him, and his nose was replaced with a pig's.