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Ky Birm
01 Apr 2010
Litte Surry, England
First year, Gryffindor
22,5 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: I would physically describe myself as a average height (4'7"), good-sized (120.9 lbs), I have white skin, and I dyed my hair red last year. I also have brown eyes and red glasses to match my hair.

Mental Description: I would mentally describe myself as a person of boldness, a person of courageousness, a person of bravery, and a person of kindness. I am also very easy to get along with and befriend.

Biography: My life is a good life. I say this because I was born and raised by pure-blood wizards all my life and I love being a wizard and I love magic and I always will forever in my life. I have 4 sisters, no brothers, 3 dogs, and I don't always get along with my sisters at certain times. My two younger sisters like to be sneaky and do stuff behind my back and spread lies about me and try to steal my friends and tell them lies about me.

First Instance of Magic: My first instance of magic was when I accidentally set a room on fire when I got really mad at my sister for going into my room and stealing my things without me knowing that she did. It sort of happened in an instant and it stopped as soon as it started.