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Kyoko Dickens
28 Apr 2010
York, England
First year, Ravenclaw
20,7 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Kyoko resembles her mother more so in appearance than personality. like her mother at the age of elven she's 5 ft and weighs no more than 135 pounds. Her hair may seem unruly but she's four months into her starter loc's process, which gives her a boyish look despite her slender frame. Kyoko is African American with a milk chocolate complexion. Her eyes are a dark brown which are often mistaken for black.

Her attire consists of blacks, whites, reds and on occasions pink. She favors pants more than skirts and long sleeved shirts over blouses. She accessories herself with crossed earrings, bracelets and bands. Her bags ranges from satchels to brief cases, even suitcases. The only feminine thing she claims to wear are clogs and even then, she'd rather where converses or boots.

For birthmarks one can be found on her right ankle in the shape of a medium sized burn. As far as make up goes she strays from man-made beauty products and relies solely on natural beauty. A.k.a, she drinks lots of water.

Mental Description: When she lived in the states Kyoko was docile and shy. She didn't have much of a voice nor friends for that matter. She kept herself busy with books, long walks, and as ridiculous as it sounds, talked to nature. When she moved to York under the parentage of Viktor she became more outspoken and a bit unruly. She was sassy and sophisticated, with an open mid to accept any and all flaws (except her parents). She kept her hobbies of walking and talking to nature but this time did it with friends.

Out of the group she was seen as the dare devil. She ran head first without thinking. Leaped before looking and loved without knowing. On the surface she was free spirited but like any woman her wrath was immeasurable. Vengeful and petty Kyoko can hold grudges to the grave. Because she's out spoken she can come off as blunt and rude. She's opinionated enough to take things into her own hands and that includes dealing justice.

Biography: Originally Kyoko resided in the United States with her mother Renee (a pure-blood) and her father Vincent (a muggle-born). For several years they led a middle class life until her father was caught cheating. He was under fire for a little while until he found out that Renee had an accomplice as well. Rather than ending their relationship they tried to work it out by separating from their affairs, but Renee couldn't do it.

Vincent filed for divorce and sought to have full custody over Kyoko but given the circumstances, neither was deemed a fit parent. Records after records showed their lack of parental advisory. They were neglectful with their duties, left her unattended for many hours, fed her when it seemed convenient. Kyoko didn't have a say in whether the information was true but if she did, she'd say it was all exaggerated. Her parents may have worked long grueling jobs but it was all for her. The money went to her private school, to her club activities, to clothes.

The judge was in favor of the detectives and asked if they had any relatives that she could stay with. Vincent couldn't think of anyone but Renee knew. She suggested her lover in York, England; Viktor (a muggle-born). When she arrived in York she thought she was going to live a whole new life. She didn't know Viktor well and without consideration rebelled against his many efforts. There was a period when she was 8 that she ran amuck with a band of children. Her raids of anarchy lasted about a week before Viktor reigned her in. For months she was grounded and though he was stern he was level headed within her. In time Viktor managed to overturn her fears and she was able to live much more freely.

She had a say in many things. She spent actual quality time with him. There was never a day when he wasn't home to tuck her in or a weekend that he'd take her out for a daughter-dad day. Though she understood her parents positions she couldn't help but feel utter joy for these moments. Within a year she had forgotten about her father and mother. When Renee pushed to visit, Kyoko feared her time with him would be like her time in the States. Viktor however, denied her visits and in time denied her. Through court work Kyoko became Viktor's official daughter and granted her the ability to take his last name.

Kyoko decided to drop all contact with her biological parents and even renounced her citizenship. Now a proud citizen of England, Kyoko spends her time with Viktor and the ally cats of York.

First Instance of Magic: There was a period during her first few months at Viktor's that left him speechless. Renee had spoken highly of how obedient Kyoko was but he failed to see that when she first unpacked her bags. Kyoko took up the rebel role and denied Viktor any chances of getting to know her. Instead, she found solace with a band of delinquents that stalked the alley ways of York. They fed her their ways and showed her all the wrong ropes that eventually landed her in custody.

Viktor grounded her to her her room for a week as he felt that was he best thing to do for an 8 year old. Enraged, hurt, and alone she took her emotions out on inanimate things. Breaking glasses, throwing books, stomping and screaming for justice. The more Viktor ignored it the angrier she grew. At one point within the week she had slammed her room door which then opened the front door. On other nights she'd stomp to annoy him which then turned on the faucets. Little by little Viktor had caught on to what was making the ruckus. What moved the cabinets , what tossed a pillow from the couch to the floor.

Viktor went to confront her or at least bring light to her gift but she refused to see him. When he forced open the door she screamed forcing the door to shut. Huh? Kyoko had stopped. She sat in silence as she looked at the door. Viktor tried to come in again which agitated her anger. Screaming again the door had slammed and both realized at that moment it was her. Viktor knocked this time waiting for her signal but she said nothing. After a few minutes of waiting he opened the door to see her in a state of shock. Was she happy? Afraid? Viktor managed to safely make his way over to sit by her side. He reassured her that it wasn't his goal to turn her world upside down, if anything he was here to make it better.

He explained that what she had was beautiful. With the right teacher she could do anything. Kyoko remained in disbelief but apart of he knew that this was real. She didn't know what to make of it, how to being processing it. Magic! It sounded cool but it was something unknown to her, so obviously it was something she wasn't too comfortable with; especially now knowing that things were being thrown about because of her tantrums.