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Gilgamesh Vexatious
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
A boy trained from birth to be conniving and unforgiving, good with politics and friendships and manipulating. Once he makes an opinion of someone or something it is very very hard to get him to change his mind. If he decides you are his friend, he will travel through hell, stab the devil in the back grab you by the hair and duel every single demon on the way out. If he decides you are his enemy, he will spend long happy hours plotting your downfall. He is not especially strong but that will not stop him from attacking, leaping headlong into fights that he believes in, avoiding the stupid ones. His family used to be extremely well known, until a controversial event toppled them. His parents view him as the last hope of his bloodline, and he has been charged with dragging the family name out of the dirt and back into the wealthy limelight it used to revel in.
The boy had no true friends prior to hogwarts, putting on a smiling face at the occasional party he attended. He never had time before, and it is one of the top items on his personal agenda. Gilgamesh has one quirk he has never been able to get under control, his penchant for the dramatic. He is never happier than when he is screaming maniacally over his fallen victim.