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Atlas Nallum
Wizard born
20 May 2010
Upper Arley, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
31,7 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: He has medium dark brown skin and 4c dark brown hair that has bronze dye in it at the moment. He’s 5’2 and he weighs 105 lbs. He’s fairly skinny and doesn’t really have much muscle mass.

Mental Description: Atlas is generally viewed as an optimistic and charismatic young boy. If you meet him, you might manage to get swept away into his dreams and believe in them just as much as he does. He always has stories to tell, though they may not all be true. When people think of him, they either want to follow him and be a part of his plans, or think he’s completely insane. He acts like he doesn’t mind either way, though he does. A lot actually. If you do actually get close to him, then you’ll find out just how much. He personally thinks he’s suited for the Gryffindor house, but those around him think Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

Biography: Atlas was orphaned as a baby, but he doesn’t think he minds much. All that he knows of his parents is that they were from Brazil, and wizards and came to England along with a criminal gang that they were part of to start a new life, baby Atlas in tow. They were all caught and extradited, so Atlas was put into the foster care system.
He didn’t think it was the worst outcome, really. His foster family was fine enough. A wizarding, pureblood family, with two Aurors for parents, and twin children who were Atlas’s age. Nacita, who wanted to be a professional quidditch player, and Rogan, who wanted to be a curse breaker. Atlas aimed higher. He knew he’d become the Minister of Magic one day. He didn’t care if it was corrupt, he could fix it.
Anyway, Atlas got along with his foster siblings for the most part. At least when they were younger. But as they grew older, they tended to want to distance themselves from him. He was always trying to overachieve, and lure in as many people as possible to orbit around him. In the family, he always felt overshadowed. He noticed how Rogan and Nacita got more gifts than he did, for their birthdays and Christmas. Every relative came to celebrate them as well, but not for him. And some kids made fun of him for being a foster child, and not really a pureblood, so he always felt like he had something to prove. He did his best to make up for it.
When he received his Hogwarts letter, Atlas was ecstatic. The three letters all came in at the same time, but Atlas was the first to slide down the bannister to grab his, followed by Nacita who’d been trying to get to them first as well. Rogan was the last to follow, but Atlas was too absorbed in reading over his to care. He was ready to meet more witches and wizards and start on his ambitious path.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Atlas’s magic manifested itself was when he was 5, and Nacita had taken his toy Aviatomobile for her ‘quidditch match’. He made it fly into her head and then stop working all together because he was angry. She of course ran off to tell her parents, who were honestly surprised that Atlas had been the first to show magical ability.