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Flynn Quintrell
31 Oct 2010
Basingstoke, England
Second year, Gryffindor
24,0 cm chestnut wood and rougarou hair
Physical Description: Flynn is a taller boy for being 11 years old, standing around 5'0. He was born with blonde hair, a trait that runs through his father's family. (Currently, he bleaches his hair white.) His eyes are a vibrant green, given to him from his mom's side of the family. They tend to stand out against his olive skin tone and light-colored hair. He has a lightly freckled face and natural dimples when he smiles.

Mental Description: Flynn is a kind boy who spends a lot of his time getting in trouble. He often spends time reading Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them as he is very interested in learning as much as he can about magical creatures. He has a collection of notebooks in which he writes notes about all the creatures he has witnessed as he traveled with his parents. His friends call him Fox because he is cunning. He is starting to realize that he is gay (means he likes boys), but doesnt know how to express it yet.

Biography: Flynn's life wasn't as fortunate as you would think a purebloods life to be. When he was just 4 years old, he was traveling with his parents on a family vacation. They were on a boat heading back to England when the boat was attacked and began to sink; before anyone had time to process what was happening, everyone was in the water. Flynn was trying to find his parents and couldn't, and too young to swim well in the raging tide he struggled to keep his head above water. He screamed for his parents and just as his energy reached its lowest point, and his fear reached a climax, his clothes filled with pockets of air seemingly by magical means. His first display of magic. The air-filled clothes kept him afloat and he drifted far from the screams of other survivors, eventually washing up half-delirious on a shore. A young wizarding couple found him and took him in. Try as they might to figure out who he was and where he came from, the boy was too young and too deep in shock after the accident to help them. They ended up raising him, and it was with them that he learned his love for magical beasts. They were both researchers in the field, and he too desired to one day research the wonderful beasts. However, deep inside he wondered as he grew older, just what had happened to his parents? Had they been gifted like him? And if so, how had they died from something as simple as a sinking ship?

(Flynn is descended from a pureblood family but does not know this IC. His family was wiped out by a dark wizard with a bone to pick when it came to his parents. He has no idea how lucky he is to have survived that night, nor does he know the danger he would be in if his parents' murderer discovered him to be alive.)