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Xarea Kreyltz
24 Jul 2010
Liverpool, England
First year, Ravenclaw
22,9 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: She has straight, black, shoulder-length hair, dark blue eyes, and light skin. She is 51 inches tall, and weighs 75 pounds.

Mental Description: Always smiling and laughing, but can’t make a good joke if her life depended on it. Will not approach people she doesn’t know, but will be outgoing with people she does know. She has a really good memory, and likes to read, so she is considered smart. Has OCD, so she always walks on the left side of people, and plans out every detail of her future. She loves to learn new things, no matter what the thing she’s learning is. Xarea also loves to do research, she has a notebook full of in-depth information on random topics. Xarea also loves to swim, and she loves the ocean.

Biography: Xarea is an only child, has a magical father and a Muggle mother. She has a Uncle on her father’s side, he is also magical. She has a few close friends, but is friendly to everyone she meets. She was born in Liverpool, on July 24th, 2010, in the afternoon. She has never moved and still lives in Liverpool. Xarea received a public education. When she got her letter, her father was so excited for her and Xarea’s father and her uncle took her to Diagon Alley to get her school supplies.

First Instance of Magic: Xarea was 9 years old, and she was walking down the halls of her school, when she saw three girls in her grade, who were known to be bullies, picking on a younger girl about the fact that she couldn’t afford a phone or buy expensive clothing and makeup. Xarea got angry, she felt a weird pull in her gut, and all of a sudden the three mean girls had bright green hair. Xarea and everyone else who witnessed the scene had no idea what had just happened.