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Charlotte Bailey
Wizard born
Camden Town, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
At first glance, Charlotte is a cheery and well-spoken young girl. but her chatty exterior is mostly a facade. Underneath that is a shy girl that desperately wants to make friends but lacks the social experience to do so, and will fumble her words at the first sign of weakness on her part. However, she also has an earnest nature, and her interest in conversation is usually genuine and heartfelt, if a bit awkward. Above all else, she is a curious soul, and only partly due to her lack of knowledge in Wizarding society. At times, her questions can come off as personal and prying but any offense she makes is innocent most of the time.

Born to two wizards who escaped the confines of the magical society in order to pursue careers in the music industry, of which they have received moderate fame within Camden Town's local scene. Charlotte has grown up in a life accustomed to noise, her nursery having been across the hallway from their practice room, the vibrations managing to leak through the copious foam and egg cartons lining the walls. An interest in music was a given as she grew, and slowly at the age of five and beyond, the girl began to experiment with various instruments and showed an especially close affinity for the guitar. Early on in this stage of excited learning, Charlotte's magical talent also emerged, when she began a session of drum practice with a third, levitating drumstick. Before this, her parents had raised her with no real intent to reveal their family history, but this incident changed that.

((Profile pic is by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels))