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Beverly Hinson
Wizard born
05 Dec 2009
Upton, England
First year, Ravenclaw
22,3 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: The first thing to know about Beverly is that her hair is a separate entity. Impossible to control, a mane of curly dark hair is always set loose, springy, getting in the girl's brown eyes. Her cheeks are covered in freckles, her face is complete with a set of full lips. Tall for her age, Bev hunches to look just a little bit shorter.

Mental Description: Beverly is aware of the things that make her stand out and to balance it out, she tries to be as average as possible when it comes to school accomplishments. She tends to hide her natural wit, not showing her full potential. As friendly as she is when talking to someone, she will rarely strike a conversation first.

Biography: Beverly grew up in an artistic home where rules were non-existent. Her mum makes magical paintings on commission and her dad is a curator for a local wizarding gallery. Beverly would often be hiding in the darkest corners of the gallery as their parents tried to charm potential buyers. With no real authority at home, Beverly made her own set of rules, which she wrote down and called The Boom Of Conduct, though it remains a secret as she realizes most kids would rather not have rules at all than create their own. Needless to say, she is craving her parents' attention but finds it difficult to compete with art.

First Instance of Magic: Standing in front of a painting, she thought it was perfect. Almost. There was too much purple paint, in her opinion. The longer she stared at the splashes of paint, the less purple the image would get, until any purple pigment was gone.