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Nizerria Cote
01 Dec 2009
Smarden, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,9 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:Standing 4' 6" tall, this dark skinned woman has a distinctive feel about her.
She has an oval face with a softly shaped jaw, a pointed nose, thin lips, and her brown eyes are round.
She has short, straight, black hair which is un-styled.
She wears complimentary eye-shadow, thick eyeliner and a complimentary foundation.
Her ears are pierced
She has slanted shoulders, long arms, a long torso with no muscle tone, a narrow waist, straight hips, and weak legs.
She usually wears new, fine clothes that are mostly black and form fitting clothes , and she always wears her infinity necklace.

Mental Description: Nizerria Rose Cote is a 11-year-old teenager who enjoys texting, going to the movies and painting. She is Smart and generous, but can also be very rude and a bit untidy.

Biography: She lives in an upper class neighbourhood. Her mother passed away 12 years ago, leaving her father, a management consultant Taylor, to look after her. Her childhood was good even after her mother had passed away.

Nizerria goes to Little Lobster School, where her favourite subjects are home economics and chemistry. She loves her teacher Ms Censoplano but hates Mr Adamson whose interests include speaking in a really annoying voice.

Nizerria's best friend is a teenager called Morgan Harry. They are inseparable. She also hangs around with Jeston Allison and Page Donovan. They enjoy learning new languages together.
First Instance of Magic: Nizerria was walking home and she was lost in her thoughts and she did not see the car coming but by the time she saw it it was really close to her and all of a sudden she was there and then she was on the other side of the street unharmed.