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Jack Armstrong
Wizard born
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
25,0 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Brown Hair, "5,2" Around 80 pounds, blue eyes, blond. Thick Scottish Accent. Wizard born lad. He is the son of two wizards who work in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and he hopes to become one, someday. Keeps to himself and would be seen sitting outside someday just watching nature or walking out in the woods. When he would run into muggle campers he would lie there sometimes for hours, hiding in bushes and sometimes camouflaging himself. He tends to make good friends with someone before he really talks to them or jokes with them. Never had any big life experience besides he has lost two of his three grandparents. He reads a lot especially war and medieval fantasy novels, King Arthur, for his age at least. He is also really into his family's clan history, Clan Armstrong. He reads anything he can about Scottish Clans and loves to going to some of the Scottish festivals if he can, and if his parents are willing to blend in with muggles for a bit. His family tends to find other Scottish wizards that were part of Scottish clans, though Jack mainly remains silent at these meetings and will just listen and watch. Not the best student, but will due the amount his parents want him to do and will do the amount to get the Law Enforcement Department to take interest into him.