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Velvet Rose
Wizard born
30 Mar 2010
Horndean, England
First year, Ravenclaw
34,6 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: She is petite and average height for an eleven year old with brown hair that she keeps as straight as possible and brown eyes.

Mental Description: She is a very bright young girl who can sometimes be a little stubborn at times. She generally always has a smile on her face most of the time since she is always generally in a good mood, but sometimes she can get moody if she doesn't agree with what is going on around her.

Biography: Born on March 30th, 2010, she had a good upbringing with supporting parents who supported her every step in her life up to this point of time of her life. She was well liked by her peers at the school her parents had her in at the time. She was very big on sports, especially football, she would go to a field and kick a football around the field with her friends. When she wasn't with friends she would read books and magazines or maybe do some sort of gymnastics that she knew of like cart wheels. During supper time everyday she would help prep the food with her mother as she also was a very big fan of cooking.

First Instance of Magic: Her mother was wanting her to wear a certain shirt, but she got mad and wanted to wear a different shirt, but she put on the shirt on anyway, but she couldn't get it on as it shrunk and she did not know how it shrunk as she wore it a week before and it fit fine, which her mother realized was some sort of magic happening, but Velvet didn't know it and was surprised the shirt shrunk.