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Willowest Woodenedborough
Wizard born
04 Feb 2010
Bristol, England
First year, Hufflepuff
30,2 cm cedar wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Willowest Woodenedborough is on the shorter range of eleven year olds, standing at 4'8''. Her stature is one of lean and fit, although taking a quick look at the girls muscle tone and skinniness, it's obvious that the young girl doesn't work out. However, her skinniness and lack of a definition in the muscles does nothing to hide the bright smile and keen blue irises that match in perfect harmony with her soft facial features. She has a light dusting of freckles which only make themselves known in clear sunlight. A small birthmark in the shape of a deformed heart lies on the back of her neck, a stark red in contrast to her pale complexion. On her left hand a ring rests, enscribed with tiny illegible writings. The ring is a dark silver metalic color, some would describe as stormy grey. A white stone fits into the top of the wring, an indent in the middle of the writings (the words circle the stone).

Mental Description: In the sense of mental mindsets, Willowest has a pretty fair one. Despite being an eleven year old and having the reckless, careless attitude that one would expect from a child of her age, Willowest has quite the headstrong mentality. She doesn't expect much from others- but when she does, it's a full force that can result in either a longlasting bond, or a short and clipped friendship that will also likely last long. Grudges are held for the maxium of time, as she can summon patience when it comes to her trust and feelings. However, apart from that she cannot adopt a single ounce of patience for anything. An example would be the school, which has now developed a strong reputation in Willowest's eyes. Her whole family, being wizard born, has taught her about the magic that runs through her very veins. She was starting to doubt it, when... [See biography].

Biography: She was stricken with grief at having to leave her friends and family for some magical boarding school. She hated to leave her closest friend who felt like a brother-Pierz. Oh, how she would miss that poor soul. His energetic energy fed into their other friend, Michael, who would always crack jokes to lighten up a moody day. And her little sister Joycery would be dearly missed. Her little teddy bear, too. Her best friends and sister were the only companions who he'd miss, apart from her mother. Her biological father had been replaced by a strict, tall man who was bronze rather than brains. He had wanted Willowest to go by 'sport', 'champ', and other various American nicknames. Her stepfather was American, which Willowest hated. He'd much rather be called 'Vest'- that was how her father, who originated from Germany, pronounced West. Yes- her nickname would forever be West or Vest, she didn't care. As long as it wasn't Champ.

First Instance of Magic: She was starting to doubt it, but one day as she was letting her mother comb her hair, she found otherwise. She had nicked him in the ear with the sharp tool, and a few droplets of the crimson substance dropped onto her shirt, staining the new uniform. Her last one had been ripped, so she was looking forwards to a new uniform and getting adjusted to the clean fabric once more. When the stain fully developed, Willowest was stricken. Without thinking, she cast out his arm and knocked over a full glass of water. She had gasped, jerking back. As she did so, she managed to knock her knees out from beneath her and fall to the floor. When her mother's mouth formed the shape of an 'O', Willowest knew she had done something either very strange, or very wrong and against her mothers will. When her gaze traveled to beside her, green sparkles clouded her vision. After passing out, her mother informed her that she had magic in her posession. Apparently, she had, in fear- emitted a bit of magical force. It had been enough to make the girl go dizzy and fall into a haze. The following week was when she recieved the letter from Hogwarts.