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Jamie Oakley
18 Jul 2010
London, England
Second year, Slytherin
31,9 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description : Jamie actually tend to have fair and pale skin, with wavy brunette hair. Her face features includes, dark brown coloured brows, a slightly pointy nose, and slightly plum coloured lips. Jamie has a few unnoticeable freckles. Standing in 4'5 (138 cm), and weighing 32kg (70.2 pounds).

Mental Description : Jamie is considered as bubbly person, though she could be very quiet when it comes to new people, but she could get along with them easily if she feels comfortable with them. Jamie would be the person who would fight whoever messes with the people she loved and care the most, doesn't matter about their authority, age. Jamie have a bit of a trouble on controlling her emotions, especially her anger. Jamie could also be a very fun person to hang out with too.

Biography : Jamie's mother, Elina Oakley was really happy when Jamie was borned. Being her mother's first, it brought joy to the whole Oakley family. Jamie has always been recognized as a spoiled child, since her father, Nicholas Oakley, loves buying things everyday for Jamie, thats why her friends claimed that Jamie is a spoiled child, Jamie shares her things with her elder brothers too, Nathan and Xavier Oakley. They are the ones i turn to when i'm having a tantrum when i was younger.

First Instance of Magic : Jamie was wondering why her magic never showed up. She was afraid that she might end up being a Squib like her brothers said. A Squib meant that i was borned in a wizarding family but not having any magical happening. That was until Jamie was nearly 10 years old, she was paying with her friends, pretending to casts spells, using twigs as wands, her pretend was broken because of her friend. Being angered by the incident, Jamie glared at her friend until her friend actually started floating, it was Jamie, jamie made the kid float out of nowhere. Getting shocked, Jamie immediately ran home and went to her brothers and told them that it happened. Jamie was absolutely happy when it happened.