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Sofia Cárdenas
Wizard born
Malaga, Spain
First year, Gryffindor
30,3 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
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She's impulsive, daring and ambitious. But what'd you expect from somebody her terrible past.

She was born and grew up in a small family in a city in spain called Malaga, she lived comfortably until she was about 7 years old, but at that point life changed drastically.

She destroyed someone's life by accident during a suspicious accident and was abandoned by all. Together with a companion she had to survive in a rough world. But with her courage and bravery, she managed to keep ahead of the curve and escape hell. This has turned her into the woman she is today.

With the skills learned in the past, she now works on helping people. By doing so, she hopes to shed the memories of the past and finally find tranquility she has never had.

After she got accepted into Hogwarts, she began having more confidence in herself, saying stuff like "You can do it!"
But Sofias depression that she had so many years ago, came again, why? She didn't know.

She tries to stay quiet when she is in a big crowd or with strangers, she don't want all their atention on her

Sofia is, deep inside, a very kid person who would wanna be friends with everybody, but shes scared
Scared of being rejected by people, she has always been scared of meeting people and saying her opinion.