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Leo Mata
Wizard born
07 Jul 2010
Warkton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,6 cm spruce wood and phoenix feather
Leo Mata
Imagepc screen shot
Physical Description:
Leo is the type of boy that makes you think of him as an elegant dragonfly. He has wide eyes the color of chestnuts. For his hair being a bit nappy, he still wore his hair in an attractive style, the color of black highlighted his eyes and skin. He is short and has a lean build for his age. His skin is light-colored which made him stand out as being mixed due to his hair type. He has a wide forehead and large hands. His wardrobe is elaborate, and is mostly street clothes, mostly dark jeans, hoodies and a good pair of high tops.

Mental Description:
Leo grew up in a very stable state of mind, he was respectful and kind to all and never turned down helping anyone who came to the farmhouse. Leo found out at a very young age that the family he was staying with was different from the rest. So around 7 years old the family sat him down and explained everything and what he truly was. At that time emotions of amazement and resentment came towards hearing the news. However, resentment grew deeper towards his father leaving him behind. Besides that, Leo was happy with his life and current family. Leo tends to sit on the barn roof at night looking at the sky thinking of his father and the adventures he must be on also, if he was going to make it back or not. (Due to his mental state at times thinking about his father makes him stay up late at night.)

Psychology: Practical and Factual
Self-discipline: Responsible and Committed
Lifestyle: Traditional, Hard-working, Athletic
Social attitude: People-oriented. Critical
Honesty and honor: Honest and Dependable
Emotional capacity: Inadvertently apathetic

Leo at the age of one was left at a farm in a small village in Warkton England, his small frail body was wrapped in clothes as he snored silently. A dark figure could be seen frantically trying to rush to what seems like a farmhouse. As the figure came upon the house with haste it knocked frantically upon the door of the farmhouse. “Oscar please be home!” A low tone man's voice was heard echoing in the night air. Steps can now be heard coming towards the door, it swung openly violently. A bright light was now shining upon the figure in the doorway but there was also enough light to show the figure holding the light source as well. The man named Oscar was a contemplative man with narrow black eyes that are like two dark pits. He is bald but used to have thick, straight hair the color of obsidian. He is very tall and has an over-muscled build. His skin is tan. He has thin eyebrows. His wardrobe is elegant, with a lot of brown and blue. It seemed like he was holding a dark-colored stick that projected a light source at the end of it. “Oscar, put your wand away, I need to talk to you urgently. Due to your low profile and high defensive wards no one will ever know.” The dark figure said the light shining on him made him now visible to the Oscar gentleman. “Vincent!?” Oscar said in a shocking voice. Vincent has slitted brown eyes that are like two drops of chocolate. His fine, straight, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a lion's mane. He is very short and has an angular build. His skin is chocolate-brown. He has a domed forehead and a largemouth. His wardrobe is unusual and flattering, with a completely purple and green color scheme. Oscar spoke again, “Slow down. What's going on? Come in and what is that you have wrapped up?” Vincent hurried in closing the door behind him, and as soon as turned around a set of blue eyes were staring at him. Vincent felt the gaze the moment he came in the door, “Vincent why are you like this? Haven't seen you in years and you show up like this? The girls are all asleep.” Her voice was stern but soft at the same time. “I am deeply sorry Victoria,'' Vincent said as the lady named Victoria rushed over to turn on the living room lights. Victoria makes you think of an industrious ant. She has round blue eyes that are like two chunks of lapis lazuli. Her luxurious, curly, amber hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a peacock's tail. She is short and has a curvy build. Her skin is cream-colored. She has nearly nonexistent eyebrows and small feet. Her wardrobe is mysterious and severe, with a mostly orange color scheme. As the lights came on a small yawn could be heard in the brief silence. Oscar and Victoria both gasped as Victoria ran over quickly to grab the bundle of clothes in Vincent's hands. “Vincent, when did you have a son? Wait with who?”

Vincent looked at Victoria with a sad face. “Victoria I would one day like to explain that to you both in a letter however, time is of the essence. I stumbled upon a deep organization in the underground world and I don't know for sure if my cover has been blown. Also of course no one knows of him either. I don't want him involved and I want to keep a low profile. Can you guys please raise him upon my return? I know it's..” Before Vincent could finish his sentence Oscar placed his hands upon Vincent's shoulders. “You don't need to ask. We get the gist of it. We're all family.” Oscar said in a low tone. Victoria nodded as she bounced Leo in her arms admiring how cute he was. “I am assuming the visit is short then,” Oscar said, breaking the small joy that was in the air. “You're lucky I know your bad habits and kept a stash just in case. I did enjoy our adventures together but, raising a family is better.” Oscar said as he lifted his hands off of his shoulders and went into the back room. Victoria placed Leo in one of the older carriages they were going to get rid of, as she placed him down inside she pulled out her wand and enchanted it so that no sound can go in but, sound can come out. Victoria gave a stern look to Vincent, “I know I will explain everything in a letter and I will set everything up at Gringotts.” Vincent said in a hurry but Victoria sighed and went into the kitchen rustling could be heard and a basket was brought out. She placed it in his arms, “It looks like you haven't eaten in days when you get the chance and rest please eat. I enchanted it so when you open something it will only last a week. Please write or contact us in the safest way.” Victoria said while tearing up a bit. As this happened Oscar came back with a backpack full of survival gear for the wilderness and a broomstick. “All set my friend?” Oscar said a bit saddened. Vincent nodded, gathering the gear together and changing. “I am sorry to do this to you guys after so long but, when this is over I will retire as you guys did. Maybe living close by and helping around this Muggle farm would be fun.” Vincent chuckled as he said this. A tear fell down his cheek as he looked back at Leo as his body headed towards the door that opened magically due to Victoria. “Please tell him every day I miss him and I will be back for him I promise. Also, I almost forgot.” Vincent said in a hurry. He placed down the broom and began to take something off his neck. It was a locket that had the crest of a badger on it, Vincent placed it in Victoria's hands and whispered something softly. The locket made a locking sound and Vincent began to gather his things. “When the time comes when he unlocks his magic, tell him everything,” Vincent said, his voice shaking as he climbed upon the broomstick. He glanced back at them all with tears in his eyes and before you knew it he was already gone into the night sky. All that was left was sleeping in a baby carriage.

8 Years Later

“Hey Louella, how come we don’t go to the school in town? Like I know the reason.” “Leo rolled his eyes a bit “But, aren’t we all the same?” Leo said with a bit of a sad expression on his face. They were in the middle of feeding the chickens in the chicken coup, it was a good 16x16x16 coup a good ways from the farm. It was enchanted to keep creatures away from them and also for them to feel comfortable. Feeding them and watering them helps build a close relationship with them which also makes them happy. Louella stared at Leo, it was like looking at her mother it was the stare of death. Louella has narrow black eyes that are like two dark pits like her father Uncle Oscar. Her silky, straight, obsidian hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flame. She is average height for her age and has a thin build. Her skin is white. She has a weak chin and small feet. Her wardrobe is weird, with a lot of yellow. She was wearing her favorite yellow shirt with her overalls and trainers on. To be honest she was always like the sun however, the stare made you think something else. “You know why. I awakened my power early, I got so excited when I saw a spider I made it by accident. Lucky dad was there to help. If we go to school anything could happen with those muggles around. We can’t get them involved is what Mom and Dad always say.” Louella said with a stern voice. However, her facial expression changed seeing how hurt he was. Louella knew what was wrong, it bothered her too. “I hope one day I can see him. But, until then I guess I have to study like big sis Marta.” Leo said with a smile. Louella looked a little upset now that her sister was brought up, “She is only a year and a couple months ahead of us. She is lucky her birthday falls that close; she's the youngest in her grade birthday wise.” Louella said, trying to feel a bit more confident in her statement. Leo chuckled a bit. “I can’t wait to see what it's like. I have never been anywhere besides this town and farm. Not that I am not happy it’s just…..” Louella cut Leo off mid way “But, we will get to experience a different world and you can be one step closer to your dad.” Louella said quickly. Leo nodded as he scooped feed into a large cup and tossed it for the chickens. As he did so Leo, “I wouldn’t mind doing this forever with you guys.” Louella blushed a bit when Leo said those words, she turned around to make sure he wasn’t looking. “Maybe...after we graduate and...find your dad we can.” Louella said in a bit of a frantaic. Leo smiled a bit to himself “That would be nice.”

First Instance of Magic:

Setting: Warkton, England
Windy Ridge Street
Warkton Lodge Farm

" long do you intend on keeping me waiting? I would like to get work done today. Louella is already working and I want this all done soon before father calls you in." She said in a chuckle "Your birthday is tomorrow I guarantee he is doing something special for you." Marta said with a happy tone. Leo stood at the edge of the trail looking over the farm, his chestnut eyes peering off into space wondering if….. However, his mind was snapped back into reality by Marta, whose face suddenly appeared in front of him. Marta was Leo's elder sister, well fake elder sister he was staying with his fathers friends until he returned. He viewed Marta and Louella as siblings since they grew up all together in the same house. From when they were small, she had this weird aurora that made him think of a proud noble eagle. She has round blue eyes that are like two sapphires slightly different from Aunt Victoria but you can see the resemblance. Her luxurious, straight, scarlet hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a mysterious mask. She is very tall and has a wasp-waisted build. Her skin is white. She has a strong chin and large hands. Her wardrobe is simple, with a lot of red and white.

After what seemed like forever, they had reached the farm area of the estate, Louella can be seen cleaning things up and getting ready to start feeding.. Marta, of course, broke the silence, "I am guessing you're thinking about Hogwarts huh?" Leo stood silent for a bit, his lips finding the words to her. He was hesitant; he didn't know what to think. All he knew was this farm, nothing felt more at home than here after his father left him here. The day was foggy, filled with sorrow and regret, "I don't know Marta. I really don’t know how to feel. Seems no matter what you and Louella are always together watching my back even though we are a year or so younger than you. Thank you." Leo said with a small grin, his hair moving with the wind, his eyes still peering to the distance.

Marta came closer to Leo and placed her hand against his "No matter what we will always be together best friends forever, plus it would be silly if they didn't put us in the same house once you get to Hogwarts so it won't be long." She said while chuckling again. Marta spoke again, her voice a little bit sterner than usual, "I guess it's time for us to get to work? Let's go and not make Louella wait, she's probably super annoyed we are late. I overheard mom and dad talking about Louella and your letters last night. They must have come in when we were getting ready for bed. However, you guys can't open them till midnight since you guys both turn 11 in the next couple of days." Leo nodded as he began to proceed with Marta down the trail towards Louella.

Several Hours Later

“WHYYYYYY?” Leo said with a groan, he looked at the sky as the others were doing their chores. Leo felt a pair of strong hands grab his shoulders. "I am so excited for you, to be accepted into Hogwarts you will have great adventures after today. Marta unfortunately will be ahead of you guys but, I hope by the coming semester you guys will be together again. I hope you are prepared, I already ordered all your things. We just need to travel down to Diagon Alley in the morning to grab your wand. But, besides that, I wanted to let you know Leo." Uncle Oscar at first started strong in his speech, but he heard it. The man that carried so much weight in this farm, someone who he respected and cherished most, started to speak hesitantly in a very soft voice. He then saw his Uncle shed a tear as he continued speaking “Vincent would be proud of you....its sad he isn’t here this time. Here, my boy, your dad did say it was yours when you turn eleven so when the time is right put it on and read this letter. Well, I won't keep you, I know you're both eager but, finish your work I got your mom making your favorite dishes . Remember to be kind and respectful." Leo nodded politely. Uncle Oscar then sent him on his way before speaking as Leo got closer to Marta, “Leo, please take it easy on yourself your dad is in a very tight spot please understand. Take care of yourself and the girls seem to be the ones keeping you grounded through it all. Maybe, this can be the start of something new for you." Leo heard his Uncle and smiled at him before nodding and leaving. At that moment, it seemed like everything happened so fast. Before Leo knew it Louella had accidentally dropped a whole bucket of feed which made the the animals around her stir up. Because of all the commotion the cattle which were not that far away got into the mix and were startled. At first it started off light but their movements began to get more erratic. In less than a minute the fence they were in broke and they were heading straight for Louella. Before, Uncle Oscar could move Marta and Leo was already upon Louella running towards her as fast as they could. Marta got to her first, the fear made Louella freeze up and before Leo could get to them he could see the girls in the air. The cattle had reached them before he could reach out to them. At that moment everything went blank...

"Leo……Leo WAKE UP." Screaming could be heard in his ears, the constant head pounding felt as if someone was hitting him with a hammer, and the screaming from wherever wasn’t helping. As his eyes began to focus, Louella was staring at him with tears in her eyes as they fell upon his face. The air was filled with a huge dirt cloud which made his nose and throat hurt, he could begin to cough as he sat up from the position that he was in placing his hands on his face. Arms fell over him, it was a girl, her constant sobbing made him think if she even heard him at all. "What…..happened…. Louella?" Leo said in a very faint voice. Louella started crying even more after Leo had finished asking, "Marta got hurt saving me but, you saved both of us Dad and Mom rushed her to the hospital. I told them we are okay to just go. Leo, I am sorry I tried to stop the cattle herd….something got them spooked. I tried getting out of the way but, before I knew it Marta grabbed me and we were flung into the air. That's when everything froze in mid-air. The cattle herd us even the equipment you unleash your magic to help us in an accident...I am sorry." Leo couldn't comprehend what she was saying until he saw it. What seems like if a tornado had hit the farm everything was mostly not in the correct order it should have been in. As darkness crept up on him quickly, his consciousness fading all he could think of was, “Is Marta okay? Am I okay?