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Ebony Vetra
31 Oct 2009
Edinburgh, Scotland
Fourth year, Quidditch player, Ravenclaw
31,4 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚ ebony vetra ﹒⪩⪨﹒

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physical description
Ebony has dark, near brunette hair and eyes. Her hair is long and up to her waist, and her eyes are quite large. Her eyebrows are arched, and her nose height and width is normal. The natural colour of her lips is a dark brownish pink, and her skin is slightly tanned.
mental description
Ebony may show a cold exterior, but actually on the inside, she is kind and loyal at heart. She may sometimes be exceptionally cunning. Ebony doesn't particularly enjoy her studies, but she still pays attention to it, although she normally does well in school when she isn't affected by her relationships or stress. Ebony also loves the arts. She likes being alone most of the time, but she still has some good friends who are always there for her. Many people believe Ebony as an oddball who doesn't interact with anyone and has too much of a stormy personality which causes her many ups and downs, and this makes Ebony's self-esteem very low.
Ebony has loving parents who care for her. She is a single child, meaning she has no brothers or sisters. That explains why she likes to be on her own most of the time. Ebony belongs to a normally wealthy family in which isn't very rich but isn't very poor.
first instance of magic
Ebony's first accidental instance of magic was when when she was playing outside in the backyard of her home. One of her neighbours, who were very mean, was making fun of Ebony again. They said things Ebony couldn't stand; they were making fun of her about how Ebony came from a pureblood family but didn't have any magic in her. Ebony was furious. Then something happened; some mud of the backyard around her roused up, and splatted onto her neighbours. Even though Ebony got in huge trouble for this incident, she felt a bit more confident since now, she knew she was magical, and the neighbours couldn't bully her anymore about it.