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Emerald Hwang
23 Dec 2009
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
32,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Emerald has dark brown hair with brown eyes. She is short (4ft 9in) and very slim.

Mental Description: Emerald is very kind and also very quiet. She has her fair share of friends, but prefers to be alone most of the time. When she isn’t studying (something she very much enjoys doing), she is most likely painting, playing the guitar, or writing music. She’s always willing to help others when in need.

Emerald does not like those who are rude (towards anyone), although she will be nice to them regardless. She has a fear of maggots, due to a prank her twin brother pulled on her.

Biography: Emerald was born in Busan, South Korea to a Pure-Blood family: The Hwang’s. Emerald is the youngest of 4, though really she is a triplet. The eldest, Joy is two years older than the triplets. Alex is the eldest of the triplets, Cherry being the second eldest and Emerald being the youngest. All of the Hwang siblings attend Hogwarts. (Joy 3rd yr Gryffindor, Alex 1st yr Gryffindor, Cherry 1st yr Ravenclaw)

Emerald and her siblings were home-schooled, back in South Korea. Her father went on a business trip to London where he met another employee of The Ministry Of Magic and offered him a job offer to the Ministry of Magic for the Department of International Magical Cooperation. So, when Emerald was 10, she and her family moved to the wizarding area of London.

Emerald and her siblings were taught English, because her parents believe they should have the opportunity to know more than one language, and so they can converse to others outside of South Korea comfortably. Luckily, her mother was bilingual. Emerald and her siblings were given English names when they moved to London, so they can fit in easier with the crowd. Her name is Emerald, because her stuffed animal bunny she had since she was a baby, has faux gem emerald eyes. Her Korean name is 서유 (SeoYu)

Emerald didn’t have much friends growing up, preferring to be alone and read. But she did have one close friend back in South Korea whom she still owls every so often. Her name is 아름 (Areum).

First Instance of Magic: When Emerald was around 4, she got aggravated at her brother, Alex for an unknown reason (that she forgets) while all of a sudden, a wooden toy block comes flying at Alex. Luckily, he ducked. But Emerald didn’t even know that was her first: she thought it was Cherry throwing it, being mean to Alex for no reason.