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Gala Kim
09 Jul 2010
South Korean
Tintern, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
25,2 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Gala has wavy black hair that reaches just below her chin in a short bob, and eyes so dark they look black. Her skin is light with honey undertones. She's just above average height for her age, 4'10, with a slight build.

With two other kids in the house, both younger than herself, Gala has learned how to minimize her presence. She keeps to herself at school, speaks softly (but isn't shy), and isn't too great at expressing her feelings. Others see her as calm and stoic, when often it's just the case that she isn't sure how to wear her heart on her sleeve. She is curious, however, and enjoys spending her time exploring the fields and forests around her home, catching bugs and drawing wild plants she sees. For her, being alone can be just as exciting as being with other people.

Gala's family moved to Tintern, Wales from a crowded city in South Korea when she was just an infant. Since then, she's spent her whole life on an idyllic farm with her parents, two siblings (she's two years older than her brother, and five years older than her sister), and a myriad of pets throughout the years - currently a dog, a cat, and two lovebirds. She's made one or two friends at school, but her closest friend by far is an elderly woman named Elain who's technically her next door neighbour but in actuality lives about a five minute walk away. She enjoys petting Elain's horses, having tea and biscuits together, and talking about all the new animals she's seen on her little adventures.

Only a few weeks before she received her letter of invitation to Hogwarts, Gala learned that one of Elain's (her elderly neighbour) horses, an older mare, had broken one of its legs. Heartbroken, she raised her hand to pet the horse, only to realize after some minutes that it was completely healed.