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Robert Bruce
20 Sep 2009
Stirling, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
30,6 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Rob is a somewhat sickly-looking boy with a generally melancholic-looking complexion. He is tall for his age, but doesn't have much muscle on him yet, giving a somewhat skeletal appearance that is aided by sunken-looking eyes. His black hair is left at a medium length and allowed to remain wild and free if able. His eyes are a dark brown, appearing more like coals than anything else.

Mental Description: Robert is a quiet young man who struggles with self-confidence and questions where he truly belongs, if anywhere. Although possessing a sharp mind, a knack for learning, and an insatiable curiosity, he still grows wary when it comes to trying to connect with others. He will still be friendly and amicable to strangers, but often grows anxious and self-conscious about himself in the heat of the moment. A manifestation of this low-but-constant wariness is the stutter that frequently pops up when Robert is talking, let alone when talking in front of a crowd.

While these struggles are ones that he has yet to find a way to overcome early in life, he still has his fair share of virtues. His sense of honesty and justice oftentimes weigh more heavily in forcing him to act even if doing so terrifies him, he shows courage even in the most macabre and forbidding of places such as graveyards or dark tombs, and his ties of loyalty to his friends exist in his heart even if he struggles to find the words or willpower to actually express or say them verbally or emotionally.

Lastly, Robert has his fair share of unique quirks. He enjoys strolling around cemeteries, tombs, and other 'old' places; he can play the piano quite well, and enjoys classical muggle orchestral music; and he is somewhat athletic as a result of running in his spare time to get out of the house and try to clear up his mind.

Biography: Robert Bruce was born as the product of Elisa MacDonald and John Bruce. Elisa, a renown academic in the study of potions, had fallen in love with John, an investment banker living in London, during a rather series of misadventures along the Scottish countryside. The result of their escapade and marriage was Robert, who was ultimately named after the legendary Scottish King that managed to defeat the English. While John took some issue with the namesake, he quickly came around.

Robert's early childhood was a rather joyful time. Exploring the cityscape and secrets of London, particularly old graveyards, tombs, and medieval dives, became a certain adventure for the boy. During this time, Robert was shielded from his mother's work out of a desire to see if the boy ultimately developed any magic in him or not. For all he knew, his mother was a biochemist doing important research in Scotland when she was gone.

Unfortunately, this fairytale childhood did not last indefinitely. Over the years, Elisa and John's relationship grew increasingly strained as both parents struggled to raise their son and maintain their high-activity careers. In the end, the two divorced, with each parent. ultimately receiving custody over Robert for half the year at a time.

As Robert continued to grow, the constant sense of change and unease he felt being handed between his mother in Scotland and father in London began to take an effect on him. He began to feel somewhat like a burden, was bullied in school for being somewhat of an outsider, and began spending time by himself. His self-confidence was low, manifesting itself as a stutter that he still now carries with him.

Although struggling to find his confidence and a sense of purpose amidst a sea of confusion, Robert was by no means inept. He excelled in school, had an extremely keen mind, and possessed an insatiable curiosity for everything he could learn about--ranging from history, to geography, science, and to all other sorts of topics. He took up running for his primary school's track team as a way to try and make friends, though he only ended up more in shape than anything else.

Ultimately, this sea of change would be altered further by an even more bizarre encounter , one that would see him perform his first display of magic and change his life forever...

First Instance of Magic: After a particularly stressful day at primary school while with his mother in Scotland, Robert ran from campus to an old cemetery out on a hill. He'd frequented the place and adopted it as a sort of nesting grounds to escape from the world. While there, stewing in simmering frustration and anger, he yelled as loud as he could as if someone would hear it and tell him what to do. Rather than a clear and concise answer, the old dead tree he had been leaning on became set on fire. Robert managed to convince the muggle police he hadn't committed arson in a cemetery, and soon after was informed by his mother that he was a wizard--someone capable of magic.