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Colette Avis
Killin, Scotland
30,5 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Hair: golden blonde
Eyes: pale blue
Skin: Ivory
Height: 5'7"

Background: Colette is a versatile and capable creature, throwing every ounce of her being into her job. Her consistent curiosity keeps her on top of her next scoop. As Editor in Chief of The Daily Prophet, Colette is constantly keeping an eye open for a killer front page, taking no concern in how the story will affect those around her.
Her tough outlook plays a large part in running her office. Colette's thoughts and feelings tend to be pushed to the side in professional environments. This can make her appear cold and cynical to those around her.
When in the prescence of Colette, one can't help but notice her heavy Scottish brogue and demanding demeanor. This is unsurprising as she grew up in a prestigious Pure-blood household. Though her home life drilled in the importance of blood status, Colette hardly cares for such nonsense. Her staff is made up of all types of statuses, including half breeds. Lineage hardly hurts a work ethic.
Colette's intense love and fascination for journalism was born when Bick Blight, her Village Crazy, was accused of murdering Herbert, The Grocery Store Owner. She wanted the gory details and set out to find them. It was her first article, written in crayon on an old cardboard box. Granted, most of the sordid facts were half-truths, but who much cared?