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Lucia Kincaid
12 Apr 2010
Aberdeen, Scotland
First year, Gryffindor
27,4 cm cherry wood and kneazle whiskers
Physical Description: Lucia has light to medium brown skin, with a splay of freckles over the bridge of her nose and her cheeks. Her hair, dark but not black, has a natural wave, and reaches down just past her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkle, a contrast to her quiet mannerisms.

Mental Description: At home, Lucia (often called Luci by her family) is a spunky, active, curious girl. Once she has arrived at Hogwarts, she is much more mild mannered, more interested in observing the new word around her than interacting with it - for now.

Biography: Lucia’s mother is Natalia Rojas, a muggle woman from Spain. She met Thomas Kincaid, a Scottish muggle, while in Scotland on a work assignment. They quickly fell in love, and two years after their marriage, bore a baby girl they named Lucia. Lucia was raised without any knowledge of magic until the arrival of her Hogwarts letter. Her childhood was happy and typical, a somewhat-spoiled only child of her parents.

First Instance of Magic: Lucia’s first instance of wandless magic happened without either parent present. She was 6 years old, playing outside in their yard, when she accidentally surprised a neighbor’s ornery cat, who leapt toward her to scratch. With a small blast, the cat was propelled backwards before he could make contact with her. For two years, Lucia assumed her memory of the incident was simply faulty. After that, she had a few more small “coincidences”, that, with time, she couldn’t explain away as coincidences - she never shared with either of her parents, though. The arrival of her Hogwarts letter was a shock, but in some small way also explained some incidents she had experienced previously.