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Royce Greystone
19 Nov 2009
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,6 cm hornbeam wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Royce stands at just below 149 centimeters in height, just slightly above average for a boy his age and possesses an average frame that belies a small degree of athleticism. His wavy black hair is cut short so that it appears straight. His wispy dark eyebrows rest above a pair of dark blue-green eyes, set somewhat sunken into his face so that he always appears just a little bit tired. His thin lips are typically resting in a slight smile, often mistaken for a smirk. Around his neck is a chord upon which a single silver wedding band inlaid with a pale green amethyst, although he usually tucks the ring inside of his clothes. On his right hand is a small scar that starts near the tip of his ring finger and curves downwards towards his palm.

Mental Description: Royce is known for his stoicism at first appearances. He’s not the type to initiate conversations without a specific purpose in mind. However, once the flow of conversation begins, he’s all too happy to participate. Ever focused on his goals, he often tries to organize the things he’s learned and the people he’s met in a clear path that can help bring him closer to his goals. Because of this, he tends to complicate situations in his head, embarrassing him greatly when he realizes his mistake. Despite his driven ambition, Royce also has a fierce streak of loyalty to the people he considers himself close to, willing to stand up for the people in his circle. This is in part because of the respect he holds for those people and in part because doing so is also in line with those same goals. His temper is at its shortest if he feels his dreams are being questioned or disparaged.

Biography: Royce Greystone was born to Howard and Annette Greystone. Annette was Royce’s connection to the magical world. A gifted witch in her own right, she was employed as an Auror for the Ministry of Magic. Possessed of a vibrant personality, Annette was the source of energy for the household, fully willing to drag her husband and son out on small adventures and keeping the house lively. By contrast, Howard Greystone was a simple and reserved banker of no magical ability, who was content that he would never truly be apart of his wife’s world and acting as a grounding tether for his wife. Tragedy struck the household when Royce and his father received news that Annette had died while pursuing a suspected dark wizard.

Her surviving family became more withdrawn as a result. Royce’s father became more outwardly focused on his work, wanting to make sure his son was supported properly. Royce himself, grew frustrated with how stagnant he felt his world had become. Magic had been cut form his life along with his mother and he felt her absence more keenly because of it, souring his relationships as he felt more and more directionless without the mother he idolized.

Upon his tenth birthday, a year after his mother’s death, Royce began to set his sights on becoming an Auror himself and follow in his mother’s footsteps. It was something his father hotly contested at first, as his claimed the profession would be too dangerous to allow. But it was only a matter of time before Royce’s magical abilities would become apparent and necessitate attendance at Hogwarts, and Howard Greystone relented on his stance. It was at the train station in London before Royce boarded the Hogwarts Express that Howard presented his son with a parting gift. It was a silver band embedded with a pale green stone. Royce instantly recognized his late mother’s wedding band. It was a final blessing from Howard for his son’s future. Royce would wear the ring around his neck as much as possible to remind him of the dream he would make into a reality.

First Instance of Magic: The first manifestation of Royce Greystone’s magical ability was at first almost unnoticed. The books he was looking for might mysteriously fall of a shelf, saving him a search. Doors he couldn’t remember locking would appear to have latched themselves. Explaining it away as forgetfulness or happenstance, neither Royce nor his father were able to explain how when, during an argument about career paths, the heavy door standing wide between them suddenly slammed shut as Royce began to angrily yell. Both were stunned in silence. Royce’s magical ability had clearly shown itself and that meant, by default, Royce had won the argument.