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Juniper Kelly
12 Apr 2010
Dublin, Ireland
Second year, Ravenclaw
30,3 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
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stress level low
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*warning: this info is out of date and was written by a 13 year old. It's awful. Read at your own risk as updating is still in progress. Hopefully my writing has gotten better.
Physical Description: A girl that is 4"2.5 (very exact), she is very very short for her age! She get's it from her mom, who is rather short herself! (dang it, mum) She has blue eyes and curly red hair. She has freckles across her face and a smile that is contagious. Watch out! With her small arms, she has a great and powerful throw and is a star player on her school baseball team.

Mental Description:
Like the Aries she is, she holds the many traits Aries do. She is brave, determined, ambitious, honest, and optimistic. However, her dedication is what seems to stand out the most. If you tell her she can’t do something, she’ll do it, take a selfie, then shove that photo in your face. If you’re pushing a kid around, she’s got no problem throwing the nearest thing at you, even if it's trash. Especially if it's trash.

Biography: Juniper Kelly was born on April 12, 2010, on a sunny day at 8:46 AM in the morning. Maybe that’s why she’s always been a happy person, and an early riser. She “follows the sun”. When she was five, she got to meet her father, who was a pilot for the army. He always told her to be brave, and to stand for things she believed. She’s always done just that, which may or may not have been the reason she got punched in the face when she was seven. That accident was also her first instance of magic.

She went to a muggle school, obviously, (her parents aren't fond of wizards and witches, even if they are ones) and there was a group of kids who acted like they own the jungle gym. There were “Behavior dollars” kids earned in class for being good, and the group of kids would make others give them their “behavior dollars” to go on the Monkey Bars. Well, Juniper was most certainly not going to do that, (she was saving them up, after all). When she refused, the group of kids started to grab at her, trying to take her “behavior dollars.” The wind picked up, and dodgeballs came from nowhere, promptly attacking the bullies. The kids decided it was Juniper’s fault, so she got punched in the face, losing her two front teeth. However, when she woke up the next day, her teeth had grown back. Her mother, a nurse, had scolded her for picking at the kids and edging them on. Her mother didn’t believe her when she told the story.

At age 9, she taught herself to climb trees. Despite her many falls, she enjoys the activity. She also enjoys exploring in the small forest behind her house, and usually has scraped on her skin from her adventures. Or sticks in her hair. One of the two. At age ten, she held a big birthday party in her backyard. She had a swimming pool, and many kids were playing around. She remembers clearly how there had been a giant iguana trying to grab the toys. She threw water balloons at it, using her strong arm and good aim to do so. She was never able to play sports such as baseball, so instead she used her arm at her house to throw things.

Growing up with a farm, she learned to work to get things at home. At home. She also has a little brother who is the most annoying person. In her opinion. He's 9, and all Juni and Caleb do are argue. Argue argue argue. With some fighting on the side. Her favorite sibling is Tony, who's 14, and has always put up with her weirdness.
At age 11, she got her letter to Hogwarts. Her Dad was deeply surprised, and at first thought, someone was playing a cruel prank. But no, it was real.

First Instance of Magic: As mentioned above, She went to a muggle school, obviously, and there was a group of kids who acted like they own the jungle gym. There were “Behavior dollars” kids earned in class for being good, and the group of kids would make others give them their “behavior dollars” to go on the Monkey Bars. Well, Juniper was most certainly not going to do that, (she was saving them up, after all). When she refused, the group of kids started to grab at her, trying to take her “behavior dollars.” The wind picked up, and dodgeballs came from nowhere, promptly attacking the bullies. The kids decided it was Juniper’s fault, so she got punched in the face, losing her two front teeth. However, when she woke up the next day, her teeth had grown back. Her mother, a nurse, had scolded her for picking at the kids and edging them on.