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Mahdia Crabbe
Wizard born
15 Aug 2010
UK, England
First year, Hufflepuff
22,3 cm chestnut wood and white river monster spine
Physical description
Hair colour: brown

Hairstyle: brown messy short hair

Eye colour: black

skin tone: very white

clothing style: shirt, tie and vest

height: 4'5

accessories: glassess

Mental description
Traits: kind, shy, has ADHD

Likes: sweet food, people that are kind to others, reading science in my spare time, practising self-defence.

dislikes: bullies

good at: cooking, learning, fighting

bad at: keeping friends, concentrating, communicating with others.

hobbies: listening to music, boxing

fears: girls,

Ambition: peace and coexistence with everyone: race, gender, sexuality.

Father: flynn wite: living, works as a security guard
Mother: amelia wite: living, works as a doctor.

siblings: don't have any

life at home: lonely life. Parents are away all day and come back late at night so i have to cook for myself. The only child in the house. I like being alone because i can get many things done without any distractions.

Nickname: Net, because no one can pronounce my actual name.

Other information: barely ever swears. Can't control my emotions very well, no matter how hard i try.

first instances of magic: I was being pushed by bullies i leaned over a car so they can stop pushing me. as soon as i touched the car, the care levitated 2 kilometers above the ground and eventually smashed between me and the bullies causing them to run away. It was on a tuesday morning at around 5Pm. The next day I went to the zoo I was always fascinated with snakes. I came across but this one was different. It did not react to anyone around me. A few seconds later it started talking to me. It wanted to be set free because the humans were not treating him well and he wanted to be free and live in the wild. He also told me that he would not kill any humans. I did as he said and I smashed the glass. Everyone were screaming for their lives while I was just standing there not knowing what to do and I ended up going home confused with what just happened.