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Isabela Silvia
30 Nov 2009
London, England
First year, Slytherin
27,3 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Age: 11
Weight: 41,8 pounds
Height: 5 foot and 2 inches
Physical Description:
Her hair is long brown, and her eyes are green. She isn't described either as overweight or underweighted. She has curves on her body. She has a scar on her right eyebrow up until her forehead from playing with a kitchen knife when she was only five years old. She is very clumsy.
She loves to study and read books. It's one of her many favorite hobbies.
She has a nickname called 'Carioca. She got it when Isabela and her family went to Brazil, and eventually, she got a Rio de Janeiro accent. (She still has it even when she speaks in English).
She is a very dedicated student. She has learned many languages. Including:
She learned all the languages from watching Disney and other movies.

Positives about Isabela: She knows when to speak when the time is right. She is intelligent and is an extrovert. She knows when to get back on schedule and help others if needed. She can make tasty hot chocolate.

Negatives about Isabela: She is not organized. She does not allow herself to be wrong. She always has to be right or get the correct answer for something. She has high expectations. Not very good at trusting people.

Biography: Before Hogwarts, she was the same girl, liked the same hobbies, was very dedicated in school. She had many friends in London. Her best friend was called Makayla. She used to live in Isabelas' Mom's house. She always slept in her house because her parents didn't mind.
Her parents are separated, her mom is mundane, and her dad is a Wizard. They had a divorce three years after Isabela was born. It wasn't that hard for Isabela's mom. Since her mom is almost a billionaire, Isabela used to stay with babysitters while her mom was working. Isabelas' dad had already told her he was a wizard, but not the exact details. He didn't want to expose her to the 'other world. So until she got her first instance 0f magic and letter from Hogwarts, he explained a bit.

First Instance of Magic: When Isabela got her first Instance of Magic was when she was blowing the candle for her 9th birthday and accidentally got her whole living room on fire. She was happy and scared at the same time because it now meant she could be a witch, but she also feared if the magic got out of control. Her mom was surprised. She didn't know what to do so she called her father, he was happy for her.