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Amatheon Velwith
07 Jul 2010
Belfast, England
First year, Ravenclaw
27,2 cm sycamore wood and phoenix feather
Amatheon has dark brown hair, which looks almost black. His eyes are a soft, honey brown color that appear darker when the light doesn't hit them. He isn't all too pale, but not tanned. His eyes are quite large and he is an average height.

Amatheon is a bit of a loner, not having many, if any at all, friends. He prefers focusing on his school work without any distractions, but fantasizes about having a lot of friends even if he is unable to approach anyone because of his fear of rejection. He's smart, which shows in his school work. He likes to read and dream about what it'd be like living in the books, but tries not to ponder on it for too long.

Since he comes from a pureblood family, he was always told not to bring dishonor to his name and pushes himself to do well in school, even if that leads to him not taking good care of himself. The way his parents raised him caused him to be a bit of a perfectionist and he fears failing and disappointing those close to him.

The first time his magic appeared was after his mother had scolded him rather harshly about a mistake he'd made whilst writing something. Because of his heightened emotions and the fact that he was quite angry after the lecture, he accidentally made his paper go up in flames, which he then tried putting out as best as he could.