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Elowen Bird
11 Apr 2010
Haworth, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,8 cm hornbeam wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Elowen is tall, quite gangly, and all arms and legs and elbows. Her limbs are very long, absurdly so. She is red-headed, and thus quite pale and very freckled. She has hazel eyes, that tend to fixate on random objects in the distance. Her extremities, too, are quite long, and people often take that to mean they are nimble. Which they most assuredly are not.

Mental Description: Elowen is quiet and dreamy, with a lot of rather odd thoughts. She is easily distracted; very easily distracted. She is quite intelligent, and has read a great deal of books. Especially about history. Elowen is obsessed with history, history and horses. She really, really, really wants a horse, wants a horse more than anything in the world.

She is shy, and quite distant, so at first glance she can come off as aloof, cold, even. It can surprise people, sometimes, how abruptly she changes when one gets to know her; from cool and quiet to warm and passionate - ever so passionate. Elowen is terribly passionate

Biography: Elowen lived a nice life in Haworth, where she is absurdly proud of coming from — her greatest idol was Emily Brontë. She took weekly riding lessons, and these were the highlight of her life. She desperately wants a horse of her own.

Her family was pleasant enough. She had two kind, loving mothers, Jane and Laura Bird. Laura was the witch, and Jane — Jane had always wanted to be one. She had a little sister, Alice, who was quite annoying but nice enough really.

She had one really close friend, Sarah. Sarah was absurdly small to Elowen’s absurdly tall; and she was absurdly talkative to Elowen’s absurdly shy; and she was absurdly obsessed with hockey, to Elowen’s absurdly obsessed with horses. But, despite this, they really had quite a lot in common, and where close friends. Sarah doesn’t turn eleven yet; and Elowen is hoping against hope that Sarah will be a witch, too.

First Instance of Magic: It was very simple, really. Elowen was tacking up a horse, a bad-tempered Welsh pony, and was annoyed at him blowing out. She was struggling a lot with the girth. And then — for what seemed to Elowen to be no apparent reason - it actually did up by itself.