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Francisca Clarke
20 Feb 2007
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,2 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hi I'm Francisca Clarke I'm
17 years old
as a request I will describe my character, starting with the hair my hair color is brown ,my hair type is curly, my eyes color is brown. I have an average height and I think I don't have a lot to describe myself :)

What can I say about my personality well I am a very loyal person and always ready to help others , a little introverted but at the same time extroverted ,I am that kind of person who has very clear goals and interests too. I like to read, walk my dog called Jug, hear music dance, cook (I'm not the best cook I have to admit but its ok I'm only 11 I can´t expect a lot right? )

I live with my parents in London (such a beautiful city) in a very beautiful house white house (I don't have any brothers or sisters I'm the only child) my parents are married and I have them as my biggest inspiration and of course I love them.

I had my first interaction with
, it was Sunday March 20th in the afternoon, I was with some friends of mine at the park hanging out when a group of teenagers a little older than us started to disturb us and until then nothing much had happened, until the part they started to insult us was when one of them insulted a friend of mine and I couldn't contain myself and I was furious and at that moment the weather changed, it was very cold and very windy , at that moment I just imagined a tree falling on top of them and that's exactly what happened , and I think it was my first interaction with

When I received my letter to study at Hogwarts I was very happy and excited (my parents too) this is basically a dream come true. I can't wait to go to Hogwarts , learn magic and make friends. today a new chapter starts

I'm going to study at Hogwarts the school of magic where all the sorcerers and sorceresses in the UK go including me.

I hope you like me,