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Seren Yong
01 Apr 2010
London, England
Fourth year, Ravenclaw
28,4 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Encyclopedia Link: Here

Physical Description: Seren was born to a Welsh mother and a Korean father. She has wavy black hair that is about down to her waist. She has light peachy-ivory skin, with naturally rosy cheeks. Her eyes are a bright blue, and almond shaped. She tends to carry a sweet, if nervous expression on her face.

Her height is about 157 CM, and she runs to the thin side, at about maybe 44 KG.

Mental Description: Kind, caring and hopeful, Seren looks to Hogwarts and the world there as a chance at a good future. She does not know many people outside of her family, and it has led to her being rather shy around strangers... Despite a burning urge to make friends. She is intelligent, but prone to massive self doubt; giving, with the caveat of being too generous at times, to her own detriment; and absolutely loyal to those who have earned her trust.

Conversely, she is slow to trust, slow to believe that others are safe to be close to. Her massive self doubt leads her to want to hide behind others around her, even when it would be good for her to speak up. She is mildly inclined to flipping from her hopeful nature to an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness when things go wrong.

Biography: Seren's mother was born to a wealthy Pureblood family from Wales, stretching back for centuries. Those family tapestries? They have one, certainly. Her father was born to an equally old Pureblood family from South Korea. They moved to London when he was five for family business expansion purposes. Her parents met in Slytherin, at Hogwarts, and were... On the less kind side of how the House tends to go.

She was their firstborn, and a massive disappointment in their eyes. They had wanted a son... Instead, they got a daughter born on April Fool's Day, and much to their chagrin... The family magic that her mother's family used to select an heir chose her the day she first displayed accidental magic. As long as she lived, it would not change, even after the birth of her younger brother five years later.

During the time between her birth and her brother's, her parents left her to the house elves to raise, ignoring her to the extent they could. Her Maternal Grandparents were there as much as they could be for her, but it was limited. Her father's parents had moved back to Korea once her father was old enough to run the business, and only visited once a year.

After the birth of her brother, her parents began to shower him with affection, while trying to keep them estranged. Her brother, however, grew to get to know her and love her, despite them. Meanwhile, when she turned eight and her brother was three, her maternal grandparents passed away. On the positive side, it meant their portraits were in her parents' home, and they were able to assist the elves with making sure she got properly educated. Until she received her Hogwarts letter, this was how her life continued.

First Instance of Magic: Seren was about eighteen months old, when her mother got mad at the noise coming from the nursery as the Elves entertained the bored baby. She stormed in and took the noisy toy away, before turning to leave with it. Much to her shock, the toy was suddenly pulled from her arms and back to the gurgling baby.