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Georgia Linney
16 Apr 2010
Wellington, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
24,6 cm chestnut wood and white river monster spine
Physical Description:
I have dark brown hair that sits just below my shoulders. I have bright blue eyes and thin brown eyebrows. I'm rather pale which I hate especially in the summer when I wear a skirt. I have a thin frame and am quite short.

Mental Description: I'm super bubbly and kind to everyone I meet. While I'm super friendly and outgoing I do overthink a lot and can be a bit awkward in public situations. I like to think I have a good sense of humour but I'm a little slow on understanding other people's jokes sometimes. I'm really fond of animals, music, books, fashion and beauty.

Biography: I live with both my parents and a sister. My mums a witch and my dad's a muggle, which makes me a half-born. Both my sister and I have grown up knowing about magic, but it was always kept a secret outside of our household. None of my friends are aware of it as they're all muggles I believe. But I'm sure they would be understanding if I ever told them. We're a close knit group of friends, who live in the same suburbs as me, we all meet at school and bonded over our love for fashion and beauty.

First Instance of Magic:
This is going to be so embarrassing to say, but the first instance I can remember was when I thought it would be smart to shave my brows because they were super thick. But I accidently shaved off a whole eyebrow when my sister bumped into me. I tried to cover it back up with makeup for the school day, but it was so obvious. It wasn't until after I started crying in the bathroom about it that I noticed that my eyebrow had appear back. All the hair had grown back it was like it never happened! My mum was so excited when I told her!