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Jonas Grayhare
Wizard born
26 Aug 2010
Tobermory, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
33,5 cm blackthorn wood and troll whisker
Physical Description: Not very awake expression, wavy ears, short stature and a poor propensity for hygiene are the first things that catch the eye when observing little Jonas. He has no particular marks and no special scars, but his face is always smiling and his hair is often untidy.

Mental Description: He has a good dose of stubbornness, impetuousness, prejudices, poor application in the study and a notable inclination to "gnawing". But all this contributes to making him a cheerful child, always loyal and with a great desire to have fun with his friends. He loves to conceive and create improbable inventions, useful to support his bizarre theories about the functioning of the world, but generally of little use.

Biography: The eldest son of not particularly wealthy wizarding parents, he lived and raised in Tobermory, a small town on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. Although magic has always been at home (the only exception being the paternal grandfather, Muggle by birth, who has always compensated for the lack of magical powers with a good dose of hilarious senile madness), Jonas has always had many muggle friends and playmates, all the children of his age in the country. With them he rides his bicycle through the streets, plays football in the meadows, embarks on improbable adventures or top secret missions. This promiscuity of the Grayhare with the world of non-magicians has not always been frowned upon by the maternal branch of the family, which never misses an opportunity to push Jeremy, Jonas's father, to decide once and for all to move from that provincial town and so ill-suited to raising a young little wizard about to attend Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Jonas showed magical powers was at the age of 7, when during a football match that his team of friends was losing miserably, the ball suddenly disappeared into thin air and mysteriously reappeared a few days later in his room.