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Ines Swain
Wizard born
26 Jun 2010
Manchester, England
First year, Slytherin
28,0 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Inès is a girl with long dark blond hair and green eyes, she is of average height. A small white strand is visible among her black hair, a dye made accidentally during a game with her sister. She hides her white lock with other hair, which means she is rarely seen. She is quite athletic which makes her quite slim.

Mental Description: Inès loves karate, adventure, rock climbing, honest people, snakes, meerkats and many other things. She can't stand liars and manipulators. His phobia is that of dolls. At the sight of one of them, she is terrified.

Biography: Before Hogwarts, Inès lived in a small area of ​​Manchester. She has 1 older brother, Max, in 5th grade in Gryffindor, and a younger sister, Anna, 8 years old. She was born to wizarding parents, Mark and Maria Swain. Mr. Swain was in Ravenclaw and Mrs. Swain in Gryffindor. Inès is of Spanish origin, her maternal grandparents are from the village of Monterrubio de la Serena in Spain. She was also born there, when her parents went on a trip to her grandparents because she was born a month earlier than expected. She nevertheless has English nationality. His entire childhood is therefore lulled by Spanish culture. She is very attached to her big brother who explains many things to her, who takes her to visit many unusual places. The relationship with her sister is, however, a little more complicated by the fact that she is unbearable with her. She was born on June 26, 2010. A month later, she went to England to the family home. Very quickly, we notice that she is very agitated, always with a smile on her lips and that she is very pleasant in the community. At school, she makes a lot of friends, one of whom is called Evie. Unfortunately Evie has moved, but she still stays in touch with her.

First Instance of Magic: When she was 8 years old, a family meal had been organized. Only the family was invited. When it was time to bring the cake, she accidentally knocked it over, but instead of crashing to the ground, it remained floating in the air. The family, all wizards, looked at her with eyes as large as saucers. No one having used their wand to avoid the accident, they concluded that Ines was indeed a witch, which made everyone ecstatic.

Others: Excuse me if I made any mistakes in language or spelling, the player being French-Spanish, I don't speak English very well.