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Goldie Halifax
Wizard born
09 Sep 2009
Edinburgh, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
23,5 cm holly wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Goldie is 129.54 cm tall. She is very slight. She likes to walk slightly tilted up on her toes (Her parents say it's a bad habit she needs to break). She is graceful and looks for all the world like someone to delicate to do anything. :[/b] Goldie has long blond hair that reaches to the middle of her back. She has no freckles (though she wants them desperately). Her eyes are a deep blue.

Mental Description: Goldie is extremely cheerful and hates to see anyone upset. She is nervous of meeting new people and likes to hide away in her room or a library. Once she gets to know someone she is very talkative and outgoing. She is frightened of crowds because she cannot see over them. She is confident with how she looks (except for the lack of freckles).

Biography: Goldie is an only child. She adores her mother and father and both of them adore her. She lives in a farmhouse just out side of Edinburgh. She grew up learning about animals and fixing things. Her mother insisted on her being home schooled and learning piano (which she dislikes) from an early age. Goldie has had very little social interaction, save for her next door neighbor, an old man named Cletus Mortock. Goldie would spend hours at his home reading to him while her mother cooked and cleaned. Her favorite pastime was riding horses with her father.
First Instance of Magic: Goldie was playing the piano. She was trying to learn a new song to please her mother, but she could not play the song right. She kept trying but became more and more frustrated. In anger she slammed her hand down on the piano. The sheet music and the piano disappeared, leaving Goldie sitting stunned on the bench.