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Dancelos Grey
14 Nov 2009
Oxford, England
Second year, Slytherin
27,8 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
I have dark brown eyes. I'm wheat-skinned. I have long, curly, brown hair. I'm tall and medium weight.

I care about the ones I love and I envy them. I'm fun.I'm ambitious. I'm brave. I'm stubborn. I'm a hard worker. My favorite confectionery is frog chocolate. I love Quidditch and I support Holyhead Harpies. My favorite color is red. I like to do new things. I like to read about the lives of famous wizards. I like to paint stones.

My mother Erica, my father Tom, my grandmother Suzan and my 1 sister live in a three-story house. We're in good financial condition. I'm six years younger than my sister Layla. She reads at Hogwarts so I only see her on holidays and miss her. My father and mother work for the ministry of magic.We'll go to Hogsmade on vacation to make up for the days they left me alone. I'm staying at home with grandma and we're always having fun with her. She's really energetic and his hand is delicious. Sometimes we go on a getaway to Hogsmade. Other than that, I have a monotonous life.

I was 7 years old, and I was painting by the fireplace while my grandmother was in the kitchen taking the doughnuts out of the oven. That's when there was a small explosion inside the fireplace and one of the burning wood came over my def and caught fire. I screamed when the notebooks suddenly burned, and my grandmother came right away. But I was laughing because my hands were tickling so much. My grandmother immediately got over the shock of laughing with my hands in the flames and put out the flames.