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Asuri Windburough
29 Nov 2010
Sittingbourne, England
First year, Gryffindor
34,4 cm rosewood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Asuri is a brown haired person of about 4'2", weighs 80 lbs, and has blue eyes. They usually keep their hair a pixie cut or a bob, as they do not like to have long hair. They are, in fact, opposed to anything longer than their shoulders. Asuri wears hoodies, even in the hottest of summer, and will refuse to wear anything that does not fully cover their legs and sometimes arms. They do enjoy to wear tye dye most of all, the colors of said tye dye varrying from all colors of the rainbow. The choice of pants are mostly sweatpants, or comfortable active wear pants that are baggy upon them. They always wear tennis shoes as those are most comfortable. They wear minimal jewelry, keeping it to 2 bracelets, one on each arm, and a chain necklace around their neck. Asuri is also nonbinary.

Mental Description: Asuri does keep to themself on most occasions, not really enjoying being around other kids due to anxiety and their shy nature. They do not wish to be male or female and if are called either, may fidget uncomfortably and wish to leave the room. They do have adhd and ocd and it can cause a lot of compulsive actions that may not make sense to the situation, or simply space out and not understand anything that is going on.

Biography: Asuri lived a small life with parents that loved each other dearly and them. They were Muggles and so that lead to Asuri knowing nothing about magic. Their family moved around a lot, having started in America before moving to the UK and putting Asuri in social situations to try and get them to grow out of their shell. Their parents did try to get Asuri to make some friends, though they were always hesitant, preferring to read or watch people rather than interact with others. Asuri has always been kind to those around them even though others weren't always kind to them, considering their gender choice.

First Instance of Magic: Asuri was sitting by the fireplace in the living room with their family and was reading. Their dad was frustrated when he came home that day and he took it out on Asuri. Their father yelled at them for reading instead of spending time with their family. He snatched their book and threw it aside, causing them to get upset. They stood and began yelling at their father in anger, stating that he shouldn't be taking his bad day out on them and that they did no wrong as they had always read in front of them. As Asuri yelled, the fire place began to crackle and the flame grew high for a moment before dissipating. They grabbed their book from the floor, dusted it off, and left the room, clutching the book to their chest.