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Grace Swan
01 Sep 2009
London, England
Second year, Gryffindor
27,4 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Grace has long natural blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She is short and slim. About 5’0 in height and 80 lbs. Her skin is tan with a slight rose tint.

Mental Description: Grace is stubborn and cunning, but is very loving once you get to know her.

Biography: Grace’s parents are Louise Swan and William Swan. She comes from a pureblood household that has generations of witches and wizards. Her father is cold hearted, but her mother is kind. She grew up in a white mansion in London, England.

First Instance of Magic:
Grace was having a terrible day. It was winter time in 2014 and the cold was really getting to her. Even though the snow was pretty, all she wanted was it to be springtime again. The colorful flowers sprouting from the grass always seemed to bring her joy. She plopped down onto the snow, bundled up in 5 layers of clothes that her mother insisted she wore in the cold air. Even so, they did not seem to take the chill from the air. Her glove covered fingers drew hearts and smiley faces in the snow as an attempt to brighten her day. After a few minutes of boredom, Grace started getting upset. Why were there no flowers in the wintertime? Grace slammed her fist down onto the packed snow in anger. A few seconds later, a red rose shot out from the snow, right where Grace had punched. Shock gleamed on her face as she ran back into the snow covered mansion to tell her parents in excitement. This was just the beginning.